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INPUD’s primary publications, position papers, statements, advocacy letters and other produced work dating back to our founding can all be found here on our website. If you are having trouble finding something on here or looking to explore a specific topic, consider searching for it using keywords. If you are looking for something specific and believe it is missing, please contact us.

These are INPUD’s Key Publications and include documents such as the IDUIT and associated materials, our peer-led research on decriminalisation, our Taking Back What’s Ours series and more.

Read our Key Publications here.

These are INPUD’s position papers on various topics affecting people who use drugs globally, including: COVID-19, women who use drugs, drugs and mental health, PrEP and more.

Read our Position Papers here.

INPUD’s resources are designed by and for people who use drugs and their organisations and intended to support drug user advocacy worldwide. The materials here may also be of relevance to government, health officials, civil society, researchers and UN agencies.

Access our Resources here.

This page contains INPUD’s responses and letters to current and ongoing events around the world, often published often alongside one or more of our member networks or other national networks of people who use rugs.

Access INPUD’s Statements, Responses and Letters here.