International Network of
People who Use Drugs
What’s New?
INPUD Annual Report 2022 – 2023
INPUD’s 2022 – 2023 Annual Report is a celebration of the incredible accomplishments of our network and the global community of people who use drugs. As people who use drugs, we are more than used to having to struggle to survive, make our voices heard and navigate multiple crises; and we do this all whilst caring and connecting with our community. Read the Annual Report here.
Hanging by a Thread: Towards a Pandemic Agreement
This strong document is INPUD’s most recent submission to the WHO-constituted Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, responsible for producing a Pandemic Agreement by May 2024. It presents the key issues for communities of people who use drugs for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. Read the full report here.
Pandemic Preparedness and Response: Voices of People Who Use Drugs
We are proud to announce the launch of our community-led research report, the Pandemic Preparedness and Response: Voices of People Who Use Drugs. This report gives a global perspective on the experiences of people who use drugs during the Covid-19 and evidence-based recommendations to inform the drafting of the Pandemic Treaty, an initiative of the WHO. Read the full report here.
Latest Resources
Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) engagement – a technical brief
The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places more emphasis on community engagement and puts people and communities at the centre. This report assesses how this works in practice, sheds light on drug user engagement in CCMs, and identifies approaches to support our community in Global Fund-related processes.
Community-led monitoring (CLM) plays a vital role in advocating for the rights and well-being of people who use drugs. We have produced a guide to introduce CLM to our community and to provide resources to support the implementation of and funding for CLM.
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