Global Fund Resources
This page contains resources, technical guidance, and testimonials created by and for people who use drugs for the purpose of navigating the Global Fund. Check back here for the latest updates.
Global Fund Grant Revision Process
The International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) has produced a Global Fund Grant Revision Process brief. On the heels of INPUD’s June 2024 well-attended webinar of the same name, Amplifying the voices of the community in the Global Fund grant revision process advises drug user-led networks on the practice of renegotiating (or reprogramming) country-based, signed-off grants mid-cycle.
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Global Fund Grant-Making for People Who Use Drugs
The International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) has produced a resource about Global Fund grant-making for people who use drugs.
Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 Technical Guide
The International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) has produced Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 guide to support the engagement of people who use drugs within the Global Fund processes for Grant Cycle 7 2023 -2025 (formerly known as NFM4).
English | French| Spanish| Russian
Opening Remarks – Gayane Arustamyan | INPUD
Overview of the GF Grant Making Process – Hyeyoung Lim | Technical Advisor, CRG Department
Kenya: Experience & Lessons Learnt from GC6 – RoseMary Kasiba | SWOP Ambassadors
Nigeria: Experience & Lessons Learnt in Grant-making GC7 – Aniedi Akpan | DHRAN
Ukraine: Experience & Lessons Learnt in Grant-making GC7 – Oleg Dymaretsky | VOLNA
Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Technical Brief
Webinar: Amplifying the Voices of Communities in Global Fund Reprogramming
Opening Remarks – Judy Chang | INPUD
Overview of the Global Fund Reprogramming | Pedro Trinidad Garcia, Community Engagement Strategic Initiative, CRG Department, Global Fund
Experience & Lessons Learnt from Ukraine GF Grant Revision | Oleg Dymaretsky, Ukrainian Network of People who Use Drugs (VOLNA)
Experience & Lessons Learnt from Benin GF Grant Revision | Carin Ahouada, Plan International Benin
Moderator – Gayané Arustamyan | INPUD
The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places more emphasis on community engagement and puts people and communities at the centre. This report assesses how this works in practice, sheds light on drug user engagement in CCMs, and identifies approaches to support our community in Global Fund-related processes.
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Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism Evolution (CCM)
Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) play a crucial role within the Global Fund model. However, too often programmes overseen by CCMs do not perform as well as expected and do not meet the needs of key populations. The CCM Evolution project presents an opportunity for people who use drugs to effectively influence Global Fund programming by identifying gaps, blockages, and bottlenecks to meaningful community participation.
English | Pусский | Español | Français
Global Fund’s Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) – Strategic Initiative: Short-Term Technical Assistance
The Global Fund’s Community, Rights, and Gender Strategic Initiative (CRG SI) offers short-term peer-to-peer technical assistance to communities and civil society, including key population-led organisations and networks, to ensure that barriers related to community engagement, human rights, and gender equity are addressed. This guide focuses specifically on how to access short-term technical assistance.
English | Pусский | Español | Français
Communities at the Centre:
A report back on the experiences of key populations in the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7
This joint community-led report ‘Communities at the Centre’ by INPUD, NSWP, MPact and GATE, reports back on the experiences of key populations in the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) focusing on Windows 1 and 2. It assesses what has worked well and identifies areas for continued improvement under the Global Fund’s GC7 and beyond.
English | French| Russian | Spanish
NFM4: How People who Use Drugs can Meaningfully Engage
Global Fund Complaints Mechanism
The Global Fund Complaints Mechanism is a tool that people who use drugs can utilise when reporting issues of corruption, fraud, human rights violations, mismanagement, and misuse of Global Fund funding to ensure that they are investigated and resolved.
English | French | Spanish | Russian
Facilitating the Meaningful Involvement of People who Use Drugs in Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs)
The Global Fund considers that the Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs)are “central to the Global Fund’s commitment to local ownership and are a ground-breaking, innovative mechanism towards stakeholder collaboration and participatory decision-making.” Despite this, people who use and inject drugs are rarely involved in official roles in Global Fund mechanisms, including CCMs, and are rarely meaningfully involved in discussions that impact their lives and livelihoods. This guide was designed by INPUD and ANPUD to strengthen the capacity of people who use and inject drugs in order to effectively and safely engage in the development, implementation and oversight of Global Fund grants and related processes at the national and regional levels, especially through CCMs