Board and Secretariat
Secretariat Staff
INPUD’s Secretariat, which is registered in the United Kingdom, works on policy and advocacy, programmes, finance and administration, and management.
Anton Basenko, Executive Director – A Ukrainian national currently based in Brussels, Anton is globally known as an activist for the intersectional communities of people who use drugs, people on Opioid Treatment Programmes, people living with HIV, and those with lived experience of HCV. He holds a Masters degree in international economy and has authored dozens of articles, guidelines and publications for key communities and professionals.
Anton began working in harm reduction; health support (HIV, TB and viral hepatitis); and advocacy in Ukrainian NGOs in 2010. In 2013, he began work for the International Alliance for Public Health, coordinating international and national projects of HIV, TB and viral hepatitis prevention and treatment among key populations as well as advising on communities, rights and gender issues. Anton founded drug user network PUD.UA in Ukraine and membership of drug user network boards has included INPUD (Chair 2023 – 2025) as a representative of the Eurasian network (ENPUD), and EKPC (aka EKHN). His consumer representation roles have included the Communities Delegation of the Global Fund Board and CCM of Ukraine. From 2021 to 2025, Anton was a Programme Manager on Quality of Life in the patient-led NGO, the European AIDS Treatment Group.
Olga Szubert, `Deputy Director` – Olga joined the INPUD Secretariat in 2022 as Programme Oversight. She was promoted to Deputy Director in 2025 in recognition of her commitment to our work and proven track record in balancing strategic operational management with staff empowerment and development. Previously Olga worked as Senior Policy Officer at Harm Reduction International (HRI) where she undertook original research and policy analysis of emerging and current priorities for harm reduction funding, developed advocacy recommendations for the UN and governments and managed HRI’s campaign for a redirection of funds from ineffective drug law enforcement to harm reduction. Prior to HRI, Olga worked as International Officer at Stonewall – leading LGBTQI organisation in the UK, and as Policy Officer at Frontline AIDS. Between March and August 2022, Olga worked for a Polish humanitarian organisation supporting Ukrainian refugees.
Tina Chkhaidze, Finance Manager – Tina started working with INPUD as our Finance Officer in April 2018. Previously, she has worked in the British Citizens Advice Bureau in their Accounts Department. Tina holds an MSc in Finance from the University of Greenwich and has also taken professional courses in ACCA.
Annie Madden, Project Lead – Annie was the CEO of the Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) from 2000 – 2016 and the EO of the NSW Users & AIDS Association (NUAA) from 1994 – 2000. She also works 2 days/week as the ED of Harm Reduction Australia (HRA) of which she is a founding member. Annie previously worked with INPUD as a lead consultant on our peer-led research regarding COVID-19, drug decriminalisation and a WHO key populations qualitative study. She joins us 3 days/week as the UNITAIDS Project Lead.
Aditia Taslim, Advocacy Officer – Aditia has been involved in the HIV and drugs movement since 2005. His involvement started with an Indonesian-based community-led organisation, Rumah Cemara, focusing on different range of services for people who use drugs and people living with HIV in general. In the early days, his work focused on the initiation of harm reduction services for the very first time in Indonesia. He was also part of the initiation of a drug-user movement in Indonesia which eventually led to the development of a national network of people who use drugs. In 2018-2020, Aditia was one of the Asia Pacific NGO Delegates to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), bringing the voice of Asia Pacific region and his living experience as both a person who use drugs and who lives with HIV.
Isaac Ogunkola, Global Fund Programme Manager – Isaac has a robust professional and academic background in Public Health, along with extensive experience in drug policy reform advocacy and contextual harm reduction in Africa. Before joining INPUD, he served as the Global Fund project manager for Youth RISE, leading projects in eight countries. He also played an active role with Students for Sensible Drug Policy, leading local chapters in Nigeria in harm reduction service provision and drug policy advocacy while providing technical support to chapters across Africa. Isaac is an early career researcher with over 40 research publications in peer-reviewed journals. He is currently finalizing his MSc degree in Global Health Science and Epidemiology at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Chantelle Griebenhouw, Administration and Finance Support Officer – Chantelle joined the INPUD team in April of 2022 as Admin and Finance Support Officer. She holds a BComm degree in Industrial and Organizational psychology and has 15 years’ experience in office and financial administration. She gains great satisfaction from contributing to the successful day-to-day operations in the organization.
Leah McLeod, Communications Specialist – Leah has worked in social welfare for nearly 40 years in her home country of Australia, focusing on policy development, inter-government relations and communications to advance the health, human rights, dignity and voice of marginalised populations. She has worked in harm reduction and drug law reform since 1998. Thirteen of those years were spent leading Comms for a regional drug user organisation. Leah is in her second term as Vice President of the Australian Intravenous and Illicit Drug Users League. Studies include cultural studies and visual arts, consolidated by exhibiting and lecturing. She has a 45 year drug-using back-story and is passionate about giving our community a voice, addressing stigma and discrimination and eliminating the avoidable harms of drug use. She believes that her drug use makes her a better person; that drug users should have each other’s backs; and that when knowledge is the difference between life and death, Comms must be a priority. Her favorite catchphrase is: “BY USERS FOR USERS”; she never leaves home without: KINDNESS & RESPECT; her best work tool: CONSULTATION; her most valued possession: AUTHENTICITY; she never misses an opportunity to: SPEAK UP FOR OUR COMMUNITY.
Board of Directors
INPUD is governed by a Board of Directors representing the eight regional member networks and INWUD. These Directors are elected by the regions, are responsible for the stewardship of INPUD, and accountable to the Boards of Steering Committees of their respective networks.
Louise Beale Vincent, United States (Vice Chair)
Representative of North American Network of People who Use Drugs (NANPUD)
Hassan Turaif, Bahrain (Treasurer)
Representative of Middle East and North African Network of People who Use Drugs (MENANPUD)
Happy Assan, Tanzania
Representative of International Network of Women who Use Drugs (INWUD)
Ernesto Cortes, Costa Rica
Representative of Latin American Network of People who Use Drugs (LANPUD)
Jane Marie Dicka, Australia
Representative of Pasifika Network of People who Use Drugs (PasifikaNPUD)
John Melhus, Norway
Representative of European Network of People who Use Drugs (EuroNPUD)
Johann P Nadela, Philippines
Representative of Network of Asian People who Use Drugs (NAPUD)
Kassim Nyuni, Zanzibar
Representative of African Network of People who Use Drugs (AfricaNPUD)