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Standing Together on U.S. Cuts 

To our community of people who use drugs, The recent decision by the U.S. administration to terminate USAID programmes threatens devastating consequences for people who use drugs and other marginalised communities worldwide.   It will only be through our stalwart resilience and the beating pulse of community that we will move forward despite the bleak outlook. Because we refuse to be cast… Read More »Standing Together on U.S. Cuts 

Change narrative on funding

More funding for organisations and initiatives led by people who use drugs is required to eradicate societal barriers keeping us from accessing harm reduction services. Actions that need to be taken both in the long term and short term for women who use drugs include: Disparities between need and funding for key populations The most recent finding from the Funders… Read More »Change narrative on funding

INPUD Interventions at the 50th UNAIDS PCB – Addressing Methadone Crisis in Ukraine & UBRAF

21 – 24 June, 2022 The following two interventions were delivered by Aditia Taslim on behalf of INPUD during the 50th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB). The first intervention was delivered on day one (21st June) of the 50th PCB under Agenda 1.3 – Report of the Executive Director, in response to the statement by UNAIDS Executive… Read More »INPUD Interventions at the 50th UNAIDS PCB – Addressing Methadone Crisis in Ukraine & UBRAF

Global Fund Catalytic Investments are Central to ‘Putting People and Communities at the Centre’

12 May, 2022 The following position papers – one prepared jointly with Harm Reduction International and Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, the other prepared just by INPUD – were shared jointly with the Global Fund Board in advance of their meeting on 12 – 13 May, 2022. The focus of the meeting was on the 2023-2025 allocating methodology and prioritisation of… Read More »Global Fund Catalytic Investments are Central to ‘Putting People and Communities at the Centre’

Intervention delivered by INPUD at the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Special Session

6 October, 2021 The following intervention was delivered by Aditia Taslim on behalf of INPUD at the Special Session of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board held on 6 October, 2021. It was delivered under Agenda Item 3: 2022-2026 Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF) The International Network of People who Use Drugs welcomes the 2022-2026 UBRAF. We are at… Read More »Intervention delivered by INPUD at the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Special Session

Intervention delivered by INPUD at the 49th UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board

8 December, 2021 The following intervention was delivered by Aditia Taslim on behalf of INPUD at the 49th UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, under Agenda Item 3: Update on HIV in prisons and other closed settings. The International Network of People who Use Drugs welcomes the updated report on HIV and prison and other closed settings. We condemn the effort to… Read More »Intervention delivered by INPUD at the 49th UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board

Joint Statement by INPUD, HRI and NSWP for INB Public Hearing

12 – 13 April, 2022 The following joint statement was written by INPUD, Harm Reduction International and Global Network of Sex Work Projects for submission to the public hearings on an international instruments on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (INB) held by the WHO held on 11-12 April, 2022.

The impact of inequalities on HIV and viral hepatitis prevention, treatment, care and support among people who use drugs

17 March 2022 The remarks below were delivered by Adeeba Kamarulzaman, President of the International AIDS Society, at the 65th CND in Vienna. They build off the pre-CND consultation, The impact of inequalities on HIV and viral hepatitis prevention, treatment, care and support among people who use drugs, organised by the UNODC in collaboration with INPUD, the IAS, and WHO… Read More »The impact of inequalities on HIV and viral hepatitis prevention, treatment, care and support among people who use drugs

INPUD Intervention at the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs

17 March, 2022 The following statement was delivered virtually by Jake Agliata on behalf of INPUD at the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs, under agenda item 7: ‘Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem‘. Excellencies and distinguished colleagues, I am making this intervention today on behalf of the International Network of People who… Read More »INPUD Intervention at the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs