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We’re not there just yet: A joint statement on harm reduction and the Global Fund Sixth

17TH OCTOBER 2019 On the 10th October, 2019 history was made in Lyon, when governments, philanthropic donors and the private sector pledged US$14 billion for the Sixth Global Fund Replenishment, more than any other global health institution has ever raised. Harm Reduction International, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, International Network of People Who Use Drugs and the India HIV/AIDS Alliance congratulate the Government of France,… Read More »We’re not there just yet: A joint statement on harm reduction and the Global Fund Sixth

INPUD’s Strategic Plan 2017-2020

2017 INPUD’s Strategy for 2017-2020 outlines how the organisation will build on past achievements and lessons learned to take the global network forward into the next phase of its development. Further, it sets out how the network will be strengthened to respond to the changing environment and to confront new political challenges. The Strategy was developed following consultation with key… Read More »INPUD’s Strategic Plan 2017-2020

Philippines: An Entreaty to End the Killing, to End the Poverty and Exclusion

JULY 2016 Halt to killings of People who Use Drugs in the Philippines INPUD (the International Network of People who Use Drugs) and ANPUD (the Asian Network of People who Use Drugs) urgently request a halt be called on the killing of people who use drugs in the Philippines. We implore Your Excellency President Duterte to reconsider the current approach… Read More »Philippines: An Entreaty to End the Killing, to End the Poverty and Exclusion

INPUD Consensus Statement on Drug Use Under Prohibition – Human Rights, Health, and the Law

16 OCTOBER 2015 This is the International Network of People who Use Drugs’ (INPUD) Consensus Statement on Drug Use Under Prohibition. It focusses on human rights, health, and the law in relation to people who use drugs. The document is informed by the perspective of those who are so catastrophically impacted by global prohibition and by the so-called ‘war on drugs’: people… Read More »INPUD Consensus Statement on Drug Use Under Prohibition – Human Rights, Health, and the Law