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Decriminalisation in Portugal: Through the Lens of People who Use Drugs

The Portuguese model of (partial) decriminalisation is an important first step, but it is not the end point. In conclusion, ‘decriminalisation’ must mean just that: not partial decriminalisation, no compulsory drug dissuasion committees, but full decriminalisation of people who use drugs. A full removal of all criminalising legislation and policy, as well as penalisation and sanctioning, related to people’s personal… Read More »Decriminalisation in Portugal: Through the Lens of People who Use Drugs

THE BLACK INITIATIVE: Fighting Brazil’s Racist War on Drugs  

Black Initiative for a New Drug Policy (INNPD) is launching a short documentary that shows how the war on drugs is an instrument of racism, which incites violence and hinders democratic development in Brazil. INNPD is the first black civil organisation in Brazil which addresses the importance of drug policies on the lives of black people. As Nathália Oliveira, co-founder… Read More »THE BLACK INITIATIVE: Fighting Brazil’s Racist War on Drugs  

Video: The Wall of Shame – Why Crack Consumptions Rooms are Needed in Paris

28 April, 2022 An estimated thirteen thousand people use crack cocaine in the wider Paris region. Recently the police, who have been harassing the community over the last three decades, even built a wall to block people who use crack from the rest of society. This wall – an ugly and very physical manifestation of the authorities’ attempts to separate… Read More »Video: The Wall of Shame – Why Crack Consumptions Rooms are Needed in Paris

Video: The Narcofeminism Storyshare Model

21 March, 2022 In this powerful new video with Drugreporter and the North Carolina Urban Survivors Union, womxn who use drugs share stories about pregnancy, parenting & drug use. The story share model is an important tool for deconstructing the internalized narratives around the drug war.  Traditional story share models often reinforce tropes and stigma we find in existing cultural… Read More »Video: The Narcofeminism Storyshare Model

Taking Back What’s Ours! An oral history of the movement of people who use drugs

6 July, 2020 Read the accompanying research project – Taking Back What’s Ours! A documented history of the movement of people who use drugs The global movement of people who use drugs has achieved exponential growth over the last four decades. Throughout the world drug user led advocacy has become a global phenomenon pushing to protect and defend the health and… Read More »Taking Back What’s Ours! An oral history of the movement of people who use drugs