COVID-19 & Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness & Response
This page is a hub of INPUD’s resources, reports, publications and campaigns related to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as our advocacy work around pandemic prevention, preparedness & response.

Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response
The pandemic treaty presents an opportunity to avoid repeating the shortcomings we witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic response, where key populations were disproportionately affected by misuse of emergency powers or saw our needs ignored entirely. On this page you will find all of INPUD’s work regarding the pandemic treaty, along with resources for people who use drugs to understand more about the treaty and how it will impact them.

COVID-19 Crisis: Harm Reduction Resources for People who Use Drugs
Our hub page contains guidelines and resources concerning the availability and delivery of harm reduction services during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as practical advice for people who use drugs during the pandemic to mitigate risks of infection and how to keep themselves safe during lockdown and emergency measures.

COVID-19 Survey Reports: Health & Rights of People who Use Drugs in a Pandemic Environment
During the COVID-19 pandemic, INPUD has committed ourselves to supporting our global community through the collection and reporting of information on the experiences of people who use drugs via an online survey. The results of this survey have been collected into two series of reports – available in five languages – which details how the pandemic has induced changes into health services and the human rights environment from a peer perspective.

INPUD Publications and Advocacy during COVID-19
Throughout the pandemic INPUD seized opportunities to engage in advocacy calling on decision makers at all levels of government to ensure people who use drugs are not left behind during the pandemic response. Our advocacy, along with the incredible work of regional and national networks of people who use drugs, has been essential for getting normative guidance on drug use, harm reduction and COVID-19 accepted and disseminated at the global level

At the end of 2020, INPUD ran a global campaign calling for five key demands for policy reform in light of the COVID-19 pandemic: Declare Harm Reduction as Essential, Expand & Maintain OAT Take Home Doses, Prioritise Peer-led Responses, NO to Punitive Measures in Harm Reduction, Act on Decriminalisation. The campaign resources remain available for use by all peer networks and drug user advocates.

COVID-19 Dialogue Series: Empowering People who Use Drugs
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we partnered with the Global Commission on Drug Policy on a series of videos featuring discussions between peers and members of the Global Commission. These conversations not only aim to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on communities of people who use drugs, but about the effects on drug user-led advocacy and how the pandemic has underscored why criminalisation and stigmatisation remain important barriers to dismantle.