International Network of Women who Use Drugs

The International Network of Women who Use Drugs (INWUD) aims to address the specific needs and rights of women who use drugs and women living with HIV by providing a women-only safe space for engaging in global advocacy with stakeholders.
Latest INWUD News and Advocacy
The International Network of Women who Use Drugs (INWUD) is excited to announce the top three winners of the Narcofeminism Blog Competition “Our bodies, Our choice, Our rights, Our voice”. Click here to read more on the winners and their submissions.
Resources for Women who Use Drugs
INWUD resources are developed by women who use drugs everywhere, for women who use drugs everywhere. Resources also come from other women-led networks and include tools for building advocacy networks, position papers on key issues and more.
Click here to find resources for women who use drugs.
From the INWUD Community
The INWUD community blog features articles, advocacy updates, research and more from the global community of women who use drugs.
Click here for the latest commentary directly from the community.
Other Organisations
INWUD partners with other organisations and networks which are led or based by women who use drugs and women of other key population networks, such as sex workers and people living with HIV.
Click here for a list of organisations INWUD partners with.