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Global Fund’s Community, Rights, and Gender (CRG)- Strategic Initiative: Short-Term Technical Assistance

12 April, 2022 Pусский | Español | Français The Global Fund’s Community, Rights, and Gender Strategic Initiative (CRG SI) offers short-term peer-to-peer technical assistance to communities and civil society, including key population-led organisations and networks, to ensure that barriers related to community engagement, human rights, and gender equity are… Read More »Global Fund’s Community, Rights, and Gender (CRG)- Strategic Initiative: Short-Term Technical Assistance

Desk Review: Assessing Participation of People who Use and Inject Drugs in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms

June 2018 This summary report is designed to support the development of a research protocol to collect qualitative data among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Asia in order to inform the preparation of a capacity building tool and guidelines for meaningful PWID engagement with… Read More »Desk Review: Assessing Participation of People who Use and Inject Drugs in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms