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Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism Evolution (CCM)

12 April, 2022 Pусский | Español | Français Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) play a crucial role within the Global Fund model and have a potential to be transformative in ending AIDS, TB, and malaria. However, too often Global Fund programmes implemented at the national level and overseen by CCMs do not perform as well as expected and do not meet the needs of key… Read More »Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism Evolution (CCM)

Global Fund’s Community, Rights, and Gender (CRG)- Strategic Initiative: Short-Term Technical Assistance

12 April, 2022 Pусский | Español | Français The Global Fund’s Community, Rights, and Gender Strategic Initiative (CRG SI) offers short-term peer-to-peer technical assistance to communities and civil society, including key population-led organisations and networks, to ensure that barriers related to community engagement, human rights, and gender equity are addressed. The CRG SI consists of three components: 1. Short-term technical assistance; 2. Long-term technical… Read More »Global Fund’s Community, Rights, and Gender (CRG)- Strategic Initiative: Short-Term Technical Assistance

Taking the Lead: Addressing the Critical Role of Communities in Research

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18 February, 2021 Much of the research which informs policy and decision making systemically excludes communities and key populations such as people who use drugs, people who live on the streets, transgender people, sex workers and men who have sex with men. Narratives which inform research projects too often come from academic backgrounds which are detached from real life issues.… Read More »Taking the Lead: Addressing the Critical Role of Communities in Research

Drug Decriminalisation: Progress or Political Red Herring? (Video)

15 July, 2021 As more countries move towards decriminalizing drug use and drug possession, it is crucial to listen and center the perspectives people who use drugs have on these policies. Without taking into consideration whether the needs of the people most impacted by criminalisation are being addressed, it is impossible to claim decriminalisation is as politically transformative as many… Read More »Drug Decriminalisation: Progress or Political Red Herring? (Video)

INPUD Peer Technical Support Forum: Global Fund County Coordinating Mechanism (Video)

22 September, 2021 This forum was held to familiarise networks and communities of people who use drugs with the concept of Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) evolution, what value it brings to the community and how peers can get more engaged in Global Fund related processes when advocating for their priorities. Speakers include peers, Global Fund Secretariat staff from… Read More »INPUD Peer Technical Support Forum: Global Fund County Coordinating Mechanism (Video)

Global Fund Short Term Technical Assistance for People who Use Drugs: 3rd Peer Technical Support Hub

26 October, 2021 As a part of the Global Fund Community, RIghts and Gender Strategic Initiative (CRG SI), INPUD organised a 3rd Peer Technical Support Hub on the topic of Short-term technical assistance for the community of people who use drugs. This webinar explains the application process, covers eligible activities and serves as a source of support for drug user-led… Read More »Global Fund Short Term Technical Assistance for People who Use Drugs: 3rd Peer Technical Support Hub

Community Guide: Sex Workers who Use Drugs

22 October, 2015 Pусский | Español | Français | 简体中文 This Community Guide summarises the Sex Workers Who Use Drugs: Ensuring a Joint Approach briefing paper by INPUD and NSWP. The community guide highlights the specific needs and rights of sex workers who use drugs. It provides an overview of the ways in which sex workers who use drugs face double criminalisation and associated police harassment,… Read More »Community Guide: Sex Workers who Use Drugs

Fundraising Training: Fundraising through Private Individual Donations (Video)

15 December, 2021 In the first of three scheduled trainings for INPUD members Grigory Svedlin, head of the nonproft “Nochlezhka”, leads an interactive workshop on fundraising through private individual donations. The discussion highlights financial planning, crowdfunding, campaigns and donation boxes as effective ways for networks of people who use drugs to raise money for our work and communities.

What does Universal Health Coverage Mean for People who Use Drugs: A Technical Brief

24 September, 2019 Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as a concept is not new. In fact, its origins date back to the WHO Constitution of 1948 and the ground-breaking Alma-Ata Declaration from the 1978 International Conference on Primary Health Care, urging governments to promote the health of all people. This principle is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Given… Read More »What does Universal Health Coverage Mean for People who Use Drugs: A Technical Brief

Desk Review: Assessing Participation of People who Use and Inject Drugs in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms

June 2018 This summary report is designed to support the development of a research protocol to collect qualitative data among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Asia in order to inform the preparation of a capacity building tool and guidelines for meaningful PWID engagement with Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM). Although the Terms of Reference for this assignment focuses on five… Read More »Desk Review: Assessing Participation of People who Use and Inject Drugs in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms