International Network of
People who Use Drugs
What’s New?
Who’s Afraid of Human Rights, 68th CND UN Side Event

Who’s Afraid of Human Rights? quips the discussion topic for the INPUD-led Side Event at the 68th United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs on Wednesday 12 March 2025 at 1630 hours. We are proud to stand as a consortium of 20 co-sponsors who put underserved people first – from networks of people who use drugs; from the UN; member states; donors; and CSOs. Find out more here.
Standing Together on U.S. Cuts — a statement

The recent decision by the U.S. administration to terminate USAID programmes threatens devastating consequences for people who use drugs and other marginalised communities worldwide. It will only be through our stalwart resilience and the beating pulse of community that we will move forward despite the bleak outlook. Our first steps are to gather evidence to back our advocacy work and to present it to governments and other current and potential donors. For that, we need your help now. Read the full statement here and complete the survey.
Human Rights & Harm Reduction Heroes speak up for Kenyans who use drugs: The Amazing Three take the lead in Geneva this week

INPUD, AfricaNPUD and WRADA were represented by some of our amazing community leaders in Geneva this week to speak up for people who use drugs. Aditia Taslim, Ahmed Said and Rita Gatonye (respectively) cut the charismatic swathe our community is known for as “The Amazing Three”, as they presented our issues at a scheduled session of Member States and in several meetings with delegates at the UN Human Rights Spaces aka the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Read more about it here.
INPUD in Review
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Latest Resources
Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) engagement – a technical brief

The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places more emphasis on community engagement and puts people and communities at the centre. This report assesses how this works in practice, sheds light on drug user engagement in CCMs, and identifies approaches to support our community in Global Fund-related processes.
Community-led Monitoring for People who Use Drugs

Community-led monitoring (CLM) plays a vital role in advocating for the rights and well-being of people who use drugs. We have produced a guide to introduce CLM to our community and to provide resources to support the implementation of and funding for CLM.
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