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INPUD’s resources are designed by and for people who use drugs. If you are looking for anything specific and do not see it here, please contact us.

Communities at the Centre: A report back on the experiences of key populations in the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

This joint community-led report ‘Communities at the Centre’ by INPUD, NSWP, MPact and GATE, reports back on the experiences of key populations in the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) focusing on Windows 1 and 2. It assesses what has worked well and identifies areas for continued improvement under the Global Fund’s GC7 and beyond.

English | French| Russian | Spanish

Launch of the Harm Reduction Best and Worst Practices publication

In 2016, INPUD commissioned a project that used in-depth, qualitative interviews with twenty peer drug user activists and harm reduction specialists from a range of different countries to develop a comprehensive set of seventeen key harm reduction interventions based on ‘best and worst practices’ in these areas. The result was a “Harm Reduction Best Practices Tool Kit”, intended for harm reduction service providers around the world. The document focuses on three harm reduction interventions.

English |

TECHNICAL BRIEF A Guide for women who use drugs on engaging with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

The Technical Brief: A Guide for women who use drugs on engaging with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has easy-to-understand information on the CEDAW with practical guides that empower women who use drugs to assert their rights.

English | Español French| Russian

Our Rights, Every Body’s Rights Recourses

The purpose of Our Rights, Every Body’s Rights manual is to be a resource for conducting trainings for strengthening the capacity of people who use drugs to effectively advocate for progress on the 10-10-10 social enabler targets recently adopted in the Global AIDS Strategy and 2021 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS, (particularly in regard to decriminalisation and the removal of punitive policies) as well as on the 30-60-80 targets on community led responses to HIV ; and to hold governments accountable for implementing law and policy change in order to reach these targets.

English |

Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 Technical Guide

The International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) has produced Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 guide to support the engagement of people who use drugs within the Global Fund processes for Grant Cycle 7 2023 -2025 (formerly known as NFM4).

English | French| Spanish| Russian

Global Fund Complaints Mechanism

The Global Fund Complaints Mechanism is a tool that people who use drugs can utilise when reporting issues of corruption, fraud, human rights violations, mismanagement, and misuse of Global Fund funding to ensure that they are investigated and resolved.

English |French |Spanish |Russian

The Universal Periodic Review

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a United Nations human rights mechanism that monitors, analyses, and highlights human rights violations. In this mechanism, Member States undergo a review of their human rights record conducted by other States and civil society in four-to-five-year cycles.
English | Español | Pусский  | Français

The IDUIT Brief Guide for People who Use Drugs

This guide is intended to outline the key concepts of the IDUIT related to prevention, treatment and empowerment with regard to HIV and HCV, and point to how activists and professionals from among the community of people who use drugs might promote better policy and practice.
English | Español Pусский

Injecting Drug User Implementation Tool Training Manual

The IDUIT, published in 2016, describes how to implement effective programmes and services for HIV and HCV prevention interventions for and with people who inject drugs. The training manual is designed to support the roll-out of the IDUIT through capacity building at regional, country or local level.
English | Pусский

Digital High-Level Advocacy Tip Sheet

Conducting advocacy in online environments has brought certain advantages, but also problems and limitations for drug user organisations. INPUD has developed this tip sheet on conducting digital high-level advocacy as people who use drugs. These tips, developed in consultation with drug user advocates, are intended to amplify the impact and effectiveness of digital advocacy efforts.
English | Pусский Español Français

Media and Social Media Advocacy Tip Sheet

Media and social media are powerful tools for strengthening advocacy efforts among drug user-led organisations. This tip sheet has been developed in consultation with drug user advocates to support community-led organisations seeking to expand their effectiveness in media and social media advocacy.
English | Pусский | Español | Français

Video: Digital Advocacy Tips

Now, more than ever, high-level advocacy is often conducted online rather than in-person environments. In this video series, we provide some tips on how networks of people who use drugs can prepare themselves to conduct effective high-level advocacy in online environments.
English (Subtitles available in Russian, French and Spanish)

On the A-Gender: Community Monitoring Tool for Gender-Responsive Harm Reduction Services for Women who Use Drugs

This tool aims to be a resource for community advocates to begin documenting, evidencing, and addressing this state of play. By doing so, community advocates can begin to identify areas and locales where gender-responsive services are severely lacking or identify services and programmes that can provide examples of good practice and be scaled up.
English | Español Pусский

Words Matter! Language Statement and Reference Guide

Compiled by INPUD and the Asian Network of People who Use Drugs (ANPUD), this guide aims to explain our current position on the use of language and to provide clear advice on what is acceptable to us as communities of people who use drugs.
English | Español Français | Pусский

Fundraising Training: Fundraising through Private Individual Donations (Video)

This fundraising training highlights financial planning, crowdfunding, campaigns and donation boxes as effective ways for networks of people who use drugs to raise money for our work and communities.

Community Guide: Sex Workers who Use Drugs

This Community Guide summarises the Sex Workers Who Use Drugs: Ensuring a Joint Approach briefing paper by INPUD and NSWP, highlighting the specific needs and rights of sex workers who use drugs. It provides an overview of the ways in which sex workers who use drugs face double criminalisation and associated police harassment, intersectional stigma, compounded marginalisation and social exclusion, heightened interference and harassment from healthcare and other service providers, infantilisation, pathologisation, and an associated undermining of agency, choice, and self-determination.
English | Pусский | Español | Français | 简体中文

Universal Periodic Review (UPR): How People who Use Drugs can Engage and Impact State Reviews

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a United Nations human rights mechanism that monitors, analyses, and highlights human rights violations. For communities and networks of people who use drugs, the UPR can be a useful mechanism for long-term change. This brief is designed to introduce UPR and its relevance for people who use drugs, provide simple steps for submitting a shadow report in the UPR review cycle, provide tips for writing an effective shadow report, and provide further resources which may be useful.

Women who Use Drugs in Kyrgyzstan: Experience of Writing and Working on a CEDAW Shadow Report

This case study documents the experience of the Kyrgyzstan organisation Asteria, led by women who use drugs, as they planned, wrote and submitted a shadow report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and is intended to be used as a resource for other networks of people who use drugs who are considering engaging with CEDAW or other human rights mechanisms.

Engaging and Impacting the Universal Periodic Review: Guidance for People who Use Drugs

This webinar, originally held on 25th May 2022, gives a general overview of what Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is and it’s usefulness for people who use drugs, along with a framework and recommendations for how communities can engage in the UPR process.

RIGHTS.HEALTH – Online Resource for Human Rights Activists

This free, online course contains a library of resources drawn from over a decade of experience from human rights defenders to provide activists means to improve the effectiveness and reach of our work. INPUD has partnered with the initiative and the resource library is always growing, covering topics from HIV to COVID-19 to violence & discrimination.

The Fight for Accountability, The Right to Rights: Opportunities to Engage in human Rights Advocacy for INPUD

This report introduces different UN human rights mechanisms and evaluates how they have weighed in on human rights issues relevant to people who use drugs, citing specific cases to review the effect or impact they had. The report concludes with recommendations for areas of focus as part of the work of INPUD with the Love Alliance.

2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Technical Brief

This technical brief has been developed for and by people who use drugs to have a better understanding of the 2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS, identify the areas of relevance in the document, and consider on how it can be used at global, regional, country and state levels of advocacy to enhance the chances that commitments in the Political Declaration are met over the next five years.
English | Español Français | Pусский

Briefing Note: Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026

The Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 is one of the first strategic documents in the entire United Nations system to align with the Sustainable Development Goals and has been generally considered one of the most progressive and community-oriented strategies ever produced by a UN agency. This brief outlines key targets set by the strategy that may be helpful for people who use drugs and the organizations representing their interests. 
English | Español Français | Pусский

Why Should We Engage in the 2021 UN High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS? (Video)

The United Nations General Assembly 2021 High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS (HLM) took place from 8-10 June 2021. In this video Judy Chang, Executive Director of INPUD, goes over key advocacy points and how to engage in advocacy around the Political Declaration.

Global Fund Complaints Mechanism: How people who use drugs can use it effectively (Video)

As a part of the Global Fund’s CRG Strategic Initiative, INPUD organized a Peer Technical Support Hub in April 2022 on the topic of the Global Fund Complaints Mechanism and how it works for communities. The webinar familiarises networks and communities of people who use drugs with the concept of the GF Complaints Mechanism and Office of Inspector General (OIG), what value it brings to the community and how peers can get more engaged in these GF-related processes when reporting fraud, abuse and human rights violations.

Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism Evolution (CCM)

Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) play a crucial role within the Global Fund model. However, too often programmes overseen by CCMs do not perform as well as expected and do not meet the needs of key populations. The CCM Evolution project presents an opportunity for people who use drugs to effectively influence Global Fund programming by identifying gaps, blockages, and bottlenecks to meaningful community participation.
English | Pусский | Español | Français

Global Fund’s Community, Rights and Gender (CRG) – Strategic Initiative: Short-Term Technical Assistance

The Global Fund’s Community, Rights, and Gender Strategic Initiative (CRG SI) offers short-term peer-to-peer technical assistance to communities and civil society, including key population-led organisations and networks, to ensure that barriers related to community engagement, human rights, and gender equity are addressed. This guide focuses specifically on how to access short-term technical assistance (TA).
English | Pусский | Español | Français

Global Fund Short Term Technical Assistance for People who Use Drugs: 3rd Peer Technical Support Hub

As a part of the Global Fund Community, RIghts and Gender Strategic Initiative (CRG SI), INPUD organised a 3rd Peer Technical Support Hub on the topic of Short-term technical assistance for the community of people who use drugs. This webinar explains the application process, covers eligible activities and serves as a source of support for drug user-led networks applying for technical assistance from the Global Fund.

COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) Community Consultation Guide

This brief is designed to support key population-led organisations to engage in and contribute to the preparation of funding requests for the C19RM 2.0. An important way to identify and amplify community needs and priorities is to hold community consultations, document and submit needs and priorities to the CCM and document the process of engagement.
English | Español Français | Pусский

Facilitating the Meaningful Involvement of People who Use Drugs in Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs)

The Global Fund considers that the Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs)are “central to the Global Fund’s commitment to local ownership and are a ground-breaking, innovative mechanism towards stakeholder collaboration and participatory decision-making.” Despite this, people who use and inject drugs are rarely involved in official roles in Global Fund mechanisms, including CCMs, and are rarely meaningfully involved in discussions that impact their lives and livelihoods. This guide was designed by INPUD and ANPUD to strengthen the capacity of people who use and inject drugs in order to effectively and safely engage in the development, implementation and oversight of Global Fund grants and related processes at the national and regional levels, especially through CCMs