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International Drug Users Day: How to Engage in #IDUD24

On International Drug Users Day, we call for recognition and celebration of our diverse community. On this day, we are all about drug user pride! Every year on November 1st, International Drug Users Day, people who use drugs all over the world celebrate our history and affirm our rights. INPUD was formally launched on International Drug Users Day in 2008… Read More »International Drug Users Day: How to Engage in #IDUD24

International Drug Users Day 2024

Written by Leah McLeod 1 November 2024 will mark our 16th International Drug Users Day, #IDUD24.  And how far we have come in addressing our massive agenda, things like preventing & treating blood borne viruses; tackling stigma & discrimination; reducing fatalities from overdose; expanding harm reduction; and demanding drug law reform. And yet, despite this fistful of harm being so… Read More »International Drug Users Day 2024

Global Consultation Forum on the Impact of Drug Policies on the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of People who Use Drugs

July 2024 Congratulations to all involved in INPUD’s Global Consultation Forum on the Impact of Drug Policies on the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of People who Use Drugs: researchers, the 27 participants representing our global network, scribes, authors of the report. Earlier in the year, this small, representative group of people who use drugs harnessed their lived experience, regional… Read More »Global Consultation Forum on the Impact of Drug Policies on the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights of People who Use Drugs

Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Engagement and why it is important for People who Use Drugs – a technical brief.

January 2024 The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places more emphasis on community engagement and puts people and communities at the centre, and this principle should be embedded in one of its key instruments – a Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and to be applied throughout Grant Cycle 7.   One of the key principles of the CCM is to engage key populations in… Read More »Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Engagement and why it is important for People who Use Drugs – a technical brief.

Stop prohibition to stop HIV AIDS says Clark, John

26 July 2024 The Hon Helen Clark former PM of New Zealand & Chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy and musician Sir Elton John joined forces this week to write an opinion piece to coincide with the AIDS2024 Conference. For the 25th anniversary of this important IAS event, they combined the considerable weight of their shared reputations to… Read More »Stop prohibition to stop HIV AIDS says Clark, John

Hanging by a Thread: Towards a Pandemic Agreement

April 2024 This strong document is INPUD’s most recent submission to the WHO-constituted Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, responsible for producing a Pandemic Agreement by May 2024. It presents the key issues for communities of people who use drugs for pandemic prevention, preparedness  and response. INPUD’s critical response to the recent Revised Draft of the Agreement calls for “hard, actionable long-term commitment… Read More »Hanging by a Thread: Towards a Pandemic Agreement

Communities at the Centre: A report back on the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

28th September 2023 The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places community leadership at its front and centre. Under Grant Cycle 7 (GC7), the Global Fund introduced changes to promote community leadership and engagement, harm reduction and human rights, and to support the scale-up and sustainability of community-led services. In 2022-23, the Global Fund’s Community Engagement Strategic Initiative (CE-SI) funded the  Global… Read More »Communities at the Centre: A report back on the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

Harm Reduction Best and Worst Practices

July 2023 In 2016, INPUD commissioned a project that used in-depth, qualitative interviews with twenty peer drug user activists and harm reduction specialists from a range of different countries to develop a comprehensive set of seventeen key harm reduction interventions based on ‘best and worst practices’ in these areas. The result was a “Harm Reduction Best Practices Tool Kit”, intended… Read More »Harm Reduction Best and Worst Practices

TECHNICAL BRIEF: A Guide for women who use drugs on engaging with the (CEDAW)

CEDAW is a major international human rights treaty that provides the legal framework to ensure the rights of those who are most vulnerable, including women who use drugs. This technical brief has easy-to-understand information on CEDAW with practical guides that empower women who use drugs to assert their rights. Despite international recognition of the fundamental human rights of all, millions… Read More »TECHNICAL BRIEF: A Guide for women who use drugs on engaging with the (CEDAW)