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COVID-19 – INPUD Wellbeing Access Fund Small Grants

4 February, 2022 Access the application form here or at the bottom of this page. Pусский | Français INPUD is very aware of the ongoing and disproportionate impacts of the dual COVID-19 and HIV pandemics for our communities. Drug user -led networks are under increased pressures as we have moved to adapt our operations and ways of working, made even… Read More »COVID-19 – INPUD Wellbeing Access Fund Small Grants

In the time of COVID-19: Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and People who use Drugs

APRIL 7, 2020 This statement, endorsed by over 300 organisations and individuals, was developed by INPUD in collaboration with the International Drug Policy Consortium and Harm Reduction International. Translations in Spanish, French and Russian, are available for download below. Pусский | Español | Français We, as community and civil society organisations working in drug policy reform and harm reduction, urge the international community to take proactive and coordinated action to protect… Read More »In the time of COVID-19: Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and People who use Drugs

Joint letter to the Special Rapporteur on the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health on protecting and promoting the health of people who use drugs during COVID-19

MARCH 31, 2020 In collaboration with Harm Reduction International (HRI), the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA), the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), LBH Masyarakat, Release, and Rights Reporter Foundation, we have developed this letter to the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health to provide guidance to states on how to promote and protect the right… Read More »Joint letter to the Special Rapporteur on the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health on protecting and promoting the health of people who use drugs during COVID-19