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Global Fund Grant Revision Process

Technical advice released to amplify the voices of drug users in Global Fund’s mid-cycle grant revision On the heels of INPUD’s June 2024 well-attended webinar of the same name, Amplifying the voices of the community in the Global Fund grant revision process advises drug user-led networks on the practice of renegotiating (or reprogramming) country-based, signed-off grants mid-cycle.  Designed as a pathway to… Read More »Global Fund Grant Revision Process

Partnership Guide for Drug User-Led Networks: The Good, Bad and Ugly

This Guide has been written to provide drug user-led networks with invaluable advice for building the sorts of partnerships that will advance our movement and make us stronger. It draws from the experience of our regional networks for making an effective audit of partnerships we have already forged and assessing new partnerships as they develop. As other key populations have… Read More »Partnership Guide for Drug User-Led Networks: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Engagement and why it is important for People who Use Drugs – a technical brief.

January 2024 The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places more emphasis on community engagement and puts people and communities at the centre, and this principle should be embedded in one of its key instruments – a Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and to be applied throughout Grant Cycle 7.   One of the key principles of the CCM is to engage key populations in… Read More »Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Engagement and why it is important for People who Use Drugs – a technical brief.

Hanging by a Thread: Towards a Pandemic Agreement

April 2024 This strong document is INPUD’s most recent submission to the WHO-constituted Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, responsible for producing a Pandemic Agreement by May 2024. It presents the key issues for communities of people who use drugs for pandemic prevention, preparedness  and response. INPUD’s critical response to the recent Revised Draft of the Agreement calls for “hard, actionable long-term commitment… Read More »Hanging by a Thread: Towards a Pandemic Agreement

Communities at the Centre: A report back on the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

28th September 2023 The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places community leadership at its front and centre. Under Grant Cycle 7 (GC7), the Global Fund introduced changes to promote community leadership and engagement, harm reduction and human rights, and to support the scale-up and sustainability of community-led services. In 2022-23, the Global Fund’s Community Engagement Strategic Initiative (CE-SI) funded the  Global… Read More »Communities at the Centre: A report back on the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

Harm Reduction Best and Worst Practices

July 2023 In 2016, INPUD commissioned a project that used in-depth, qualitative interviews with twenty peer drug user activists and harm reduction specialists from a range of different countries to develop a comprehensive set of seventeen key harm reduction interventions based on ‘best and worst practices’ in these areas. The result was a “Harm Reduction Best Practices Tool Kit”, intended… Read More »Harm Reduction Best and Worst Practices

TECHNICAL BRIEF: A Guide for women who use drugs on engaging with the (CEDAW)

CEDAW is a major international human rights treaty that provides the legal framework to ensure the rights of those who are most vulnerable, including women who use drugs. This technical brief has easy-to-understand information on CEDAW with practical guides that empower women who use drugs to assert their rights. Despite international recognition of the fundamental human rights of all, millions… Read More »TECHNICAL BRIEF: A Guide for women who use drugs on engaging with the (CEDAW)

Our Rights, Every Body’s Rights – Resources

These are the resources that were produced for the Our Rights, Every Body’s Rights training The purpose of Our Rights, Every Body’s Rights manual is to be a resource for conducting trainings for strengthening the capacity of people who use drugs to effectively advocate for progress on the 10-10-10 social enabler targets recently adopted in the Global AIDS Strategy and… Read More »Our Rights, Every Body’s Rights – Resources

Global Fund Complaints Mechanism

The Global Fund Complaints Mechanism is a tool that people who use drugs can utilise when reporting issues of corruption, fraud, human rights violations, mismanagement, and misuse of Global Fund funding to ensure that they are investigated and resolved. The Global Fund is the largest donor for harm reduction in low-and middle-income countries, therefore ensuring effective implementation of high-quality harm… Read More »Global Fund Complaints Mechanism

Why using the Legal Environment Scan is important for people who use drugs.

The Legal Environment Scan is a drug user-led monitoring toolkit designed for community organisations and their partners to support people who use drugs in assessing their legal and policy environment, developing appropriate recommendations for law and policy reform to remove barriers to access to essential HIV services and relevant health services, and raising awareness of those reforms. A legal environment… Read More »Why using the Legal Environment Scan is important for people who use drugs.