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#PowerOfPeers: International Drug Users Day 2021

1 November, 2021 For years we have heard lip service from governments and policymakers about how community is a critical actor in the global health space. Yet while verbal commitments continue to be recycled, people who use drugs at the community level continue to experience criminalisation, exclusion and injustice. The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us with more proof that in… Read More »#PowerOfPeers: International Drug Users Day 2021

Global Call for Solidarity with People who Use Drugs in Ukraine

3 March, 2022 INPUD stands in solidarity with the Ukranian Network of People who Use Drugs (PUD.UA/VOLNA), the Ukranian Network of Women who Use Drugs (UNWUD/VONA) and all Ukrainian peers, colleagues, and friends against the invasion of their country by Russia. This senseless act of aggression has unnecessarily put countless lives at risk. As during all times of war and… Read More »Global Call for Solidarity with People who Use Drugs in Ukraine

Joint Response by Key Population Networks to OHCHR: Human Rights in the Context of HIV and AIDS (HRC Resolution 47/17)

21 February, 2022 Pursuant to the Human Rights Council Resolution 47/17, “Human rights in the context of HIV and AIDS” adopted on 13 July 2021, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD), Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE), the Global Network of Sex Work Projects (NSWP), and MPact: Global Action for Gay Men’s Health and Rights have provided… Read More »Joint Response by Key Population Networks to OHCHR: Human Rights in the Context of HIV and AIDS (HRC Resolution 47/17)

Joint Statement Urging Singapore to Halt the Impending Executions of Two People for Drug Offences

15 February, 2022 Download the full statement here. Harm Reduction International (HRI), the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) and the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), urge the Singaporean Government to immediately halt the impending execution of Roslan bin Bakar and another person on death row for a drug offence, which is scheduled for this Wednesday 16 February… Read More »Joint Statement Urging Singapore to Halt the Impending Executions of Two People for Drug Offences

INPUD Submission to The Civil Society Task Force to UNGASS on Drugs 2016

The submission of the International Network of People who Use Drugs (INPUD) to the Civil Society Task Force to UNGASS on Drugs 2016 is derived from INPUD’s Consensus Statement on Drug Use Under Prohibition: Human Rights, Health, and the Law. INPUD’s Consensus Statement focusses on human rights, health, and the law in relation to people who use drugs. The document – and this submission… Read More »INPUD Submission to The Civil Society Task Force to UNGASS on Drugs 2016

Global Week of Action: Crisis for People who Use Drugs in the Philippines

Global Week of Action Over the past months, thousands of people who use drugs and people suspected of using and/or selling drugs have been killed in the Philippines. The Filipino President, Rodrigo Duterte, is responsible: he has repeatedly encouraged the police and the general public to murder people suspected of being drug users and/or of dealing drugs. As a result,… Read More »Global Week of Action: Crisis for People who Use Drugs in the Philippines

International Drug Users Remembrance Day 2020

July 21, 2020 On International Drug Users’ Remembrance Day, we take time to remember the family, friends, peers, and loved ones whose lives have been unjustly and tragically cut short. The criminalisation and stigmatisation of people who use drugs continue to desensitise our society to the callous injustice carried out in the name of the so-called War on Drugs. In… Read More »International Drug Users Remembrance Day 2020

In the time of COVID-19: Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and People who use Drugs

APRIL 7, 2020 This statement, endorsed by over 300 organisations and individuals, was developed by INPUD in collaboration with the International Drug Policy Consortium and Harm Reduction International. Translations in Spanish, French and Russian, are available for download below. Pусский | Español | Français We, as community and civil society organisations working in drug policy reform and harm reduction, urge the international community to take proactive and coordinated action to protect… Read More »In the time of COVID-19: Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and People who use Drugs

Suggerimenti per la Riduzione del Danno per #COVID19

MARCH 20, 2020 Ultimi consigli per chi usa eroina/oppiacei – coronavirus COVID-19(aggiornato il 7/20 Marzo) 1) assicurati di avere quanti più numeri di telefono possibili per gli spacciatori attivi  2) preparati a possibili astinenze involontarie – fai scorta di medicinali specifici per i sintomi da astinenza ed eventuali farmaci a base di oppioidi che puoi ottenere​3) Sii consapevole del maggior… Read More »Suggerimenti per la Riduzione del Danno per #COVID19

Human rights groups urge the UN to intervene in execution of drug offenders in Bahrain

FEBRUARY 3, 2020 (This press release was originally published by Harm Reduction International. The full open letter is attached to the end of this article.) Harm Reduction International, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the International Network of People Who Use Drugs published open letters today calling on the United Nations’ major human rights and drug control bodies to take all… Read More »Human rights groups urge the UN to intervene in execution of drug offenders in Bahrain