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Crib Sheet on Participating in the 6th Global Fund Partnership Forums

The 6th Partnership Forums of the Global Fund started on February 2nd, 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Fund Partnership Forums are being held virtually.  Since 2002, the Global Fund has been one of the main funders of health and human rights programmes for people using drugs in countries with low and middle income. The 6th Partnership Forums’ main focus is to… Read More »Crib Sheet on Participating in the 6th Global Fund Partnership Forums

Taking the Lead: Addressing the Critical Role of Communities in Research

10 FEBRUARY 2021 This event is free but requires registration: Much of the research which informs policy and decision making systemically excludes communities and key populations such as people who use drugs, people who live on the streets, transgender people, sex workers and men who have sex with men. Narratives which inform research projects too often come from academic backgrounds… Read More »Taking the Lead: Addressing the Critical Role of Communities in Research

Black History Month 2021 Acknowledging History and Working Towards Racial Justice

17 FEBRUARY, 2021 Download a PDF of this statement here. February marks Black History Month in the United States, an annual observance where we take time to remember the important people, events and achievements of Black communities and their critical role in shaping the world as we know it today. For INPUD it is also an opportunity to celebrate the enormous contributions of Black… Read More »Black History Month 2021 Acknowledging History and Working Towards Racial Justice

Good Bye, Andrea Fallarini

Our comrades at the Italian Network of People who Use Drugs (ItaNPUD) wish to share this tribute to their peer and friend Andrea Fallarini. Original in Italian is below the English.  On March 12th, our comrade and friend Andrea Fallarini passed away due to end-stage liver cancer Andrea was a great person. He was kind, generous, and brilliant, the kind… Read More »Good Bye, Andrea Fallarini

From Invisibility to Influence: The evolution of participation of people who use drugs in the Global Fund

Participating in the Global Fund national processes is an important step towards achieving and directing funding towards more rights-based policies and programmes that meet the needs of people who use drugs. While in some regions and countries huge progress has been made, in others, drug user-led networks are still not included as part of CCMs and therefore have little recourse to… Read More »From Invisibility to Influence: The evolution of participation of people who use drugs in the Global Fund

INPUD Monthly Digest – March 2021

INPUD’s Monthly Digest is intended to keep our member and supporters informed about INPUD’s activities month to month, as well as updates from national/regional networks and relevant news in drug policy. We would first like to again acknowledge the huge loss our community felt this month. Jude Byrne represented the heart of our community, an extraordinary woman who will be remembered as… Read More »INPUD Monthly Digest – March 2021

INPUD Statement at the 64th Commission on Narcotic Drugs: Decriminalisation and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

16 APRIL, 2021 The following statement was delivered by Jake Agliata on behalf of INPUD at the plenary session 64th Commission on Narcotic Drugs. This statement was delivered as an intervention under Agenda Number 9: Contributions by the Commission to review and implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Excellencies and distinguished colleagues, I am making this intervention today on… Read More »INPUD Statement at the 64th Commission on Narcotic Drugs: Decriminalisation and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Drug Decriminalisation: Progress or Political Red Herring?

12 APRIL, 2021 Over the past decade there have been increasing claims that the world is moving towards a critical turning point in international drug policy, based on a growing recognition that governments must consider alternative approaches to drug policy which include decriminalisation. While this shift has been hailed as a sign of progress by many, INPUD believes there are… Read More »Drug Decriminalisation: Progress or Political Red Herring?

INPUD Condemns anti-Asian Racism and Bigotry

23 March 2021 INPUD strongly condemns the sharp rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, racism and bigotry around the world. These hate crimes are founded on the scapegoating of Asian people and fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic, yet anti-Asian bigotry long predates the pandemic and is closely tied to the war on drugs. A report by Human Rights Watch last May showed COVID-19… Read More »INPUD Condemns anti-Asian Racism and Bigotry

In Loving Memory of Jude Byrne

9 March, 2021 INPUD is devastated to hear of the passing of Jude Byrne last Friday, especially with the knowledge that palliative pain treatment took time to be provided following her diagnosis. Jude was an extraordinary woman, mother, grandmother, friend and drug user activist who touched the lives of countless people around the world. She was a fearless advocate for people… Read More »In Loving Memory of Jude Byrne