JUNE 2019
This report focusses on challenging the stigma and discrimination experienced by individuals who engage in chemsex, in order that they can equitably enjoy the full range of human rights afforded to all people. As with all of INPUD’s community-driven documents, it discusses and documents the human rights, health, wellbeing, and lived realities and experiences of people who use drugs, in this case, people who engage in chemsex. As INPUD’s first document focussing on this community, it draws illustratively from a chemsex consultation undertaken in South Africa by INPUD. Though the focus on one context is a limitation of this consultation and document, the community of people who engage in chemsex in Cape Town has been thriving for well over a decade; the document also supplements relevant perspectives from consultations with communities of people who use drugs in other regions and contexts in order to ground discussions in a global setting.
INPUD hopes that this report is of particular interest to communities who engage in chemsex around the world. It will also be of interest and relevance to a broad range of service providers and health professionals who cater to the unique needs of people who engage in chemsex, people who use and inject drugs, including gay and bisexual men, queer people, trans people, and other communities who engage in chemsex.