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Engaging and Impacting the Universal Periodic Review: Guidance for People who Use Drugs

  • Events

25 May, 2022

YouTube video

Join INPUD on 25th May , 13:00 CEST – 14:30 CEST for a webinar on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a key human rights mechanism where the human rights record of States are reviewed in five year cycles by other States as well as through civil society contributions such as shadow reports.

Recommendations from UPR rarely address human rights concerns from people who use drugs, in large point because there have been very few drug user-led networks who have engaged in the UPR process. As INPUD looks to amplify the work of our global community in high-level decision making forums, we hope to assist more national drug user-led networks in contributing to the UPR process.

Register for the webinar here.

Interpretation will be available in Russian, Hindi and French.

The webinar will cover:

• A general overview of what UPR is and it’s usefulness for people who use drugs
• The framework for how communities can engage in the UPR process
• Case study of a past UPR shadow report submission by Recovering Nepal
• Recommendations and best practices for planning a UPR submission

We will also be leaving plenty of time for participants to ask their own questions to our speakers.

Bishnu Fueal Sharma
CEO, Recovering Nepal

Zaved Mahmood
Human Rights & Drug Policy Advisor, Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights

Mohammad Abu Harithieh
Human Rights Officer, UPR Branch, Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights

Ajeng Larasati
Human Rights Lead, Harm Reduction International

Moderated by Gayane Arustamyan
Programme Manager, International Network of People who Use Drugs

Main UPR Website

Upcoming UPR Sessions, with countries to be reviewed and tentative deadlines for written contributions

Making the Universal Periodic Review work for people who use drugs, a report by Harm Reduction International