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Engaging with the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW): Guidance for Women who use drugs

  • Events

21 July, 2022
14:00 CEST

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On International Drug Users Remembrance Day (21 July), join INPUD alongside Asteria Kyrgyzstan, IWRAW Asia Pacific, Eurasian Women’s Network on AIDS and CEDAW representatives for a discussion on how the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) can be utilised by drug user advocates to address human rights violations in our communities and amplify the specific impacts of drug policy on women and gender-diverse people who use drugs

CEDAW is a key human rights mechanism established to monitor and defend the human rights of women in all their diversity. The objective of this webinar is to familiarise networks and communities of women who use drugs with the concept of CEDAW, what value it brings to the community, and to share practical tips for conducting advocacy around CEDAW.

Judy Chang (Opening & closing remarks)
Executive Director, INPUD

Genoveva, Tisheva
Member, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

Costanza Pauchulo
Programme Officer, IWRAW Asia Pacific

Irena Ermolaeva
Director, Asteria Kyrgyzstan

Svitlana Moroz
Executive Coordinator, Eurasian Women’s Network on AIDS

Moderated by Gayane Arustamyan 
Programme Manager, INPUD