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Home » Community Blog » Global Fund Complaints Mechanism: How can people who use drugs use it effectively?

Global Fund Complaints Mechanism: How can people who use drugs use it effectively?

  • Events

29 April, 2022
2:30pm London Time

YouTube video

As a part of the Global Fund’s CRG Strategic Initiative, INPUD is organizing a Peer Technical Support Hub on the topic of the GF Complaints Mechanism and how it works for the communities.

Register for the webinar here:

The objective of the call is to familiarise networks and communities of people who use drugs with the concept of the GF Complaints Mechanism and Office of Inspector General (OIG), what value it brings to the community and how peers can get more engaged in these GF-related processes when reporting fraud, abuse and human rights violations. We would also welcome peers that have had experience engaging with the OIG, please let us know if you have previously engaged with OIG and share your perspective.

Hope to see you all there! Please do share with your network members!