16 May, 2022
INPUD is excited to announce two amazing additions to our team – Rico Gustav and Annie Madden. Both Rico and Annie are experienced activists and researchers who will now add their expertise to the INPUD secretariat.

Rico Gustav – Senior Technical Advisor
Rico Gustav is an Indonesian health and development activist, currently based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Rico has been working & advocating on issues related to AIDS, drug use and marginalized populations since 1999. Rico was recently the Executive Director of the Global Network of People living with HIV (GNP+), chair of Strategy Committee of the Global Fund and has also served as the Board Member of Communities Delegation to the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) since February 2014 and was a member of the Strategy Committee to the Board of GFATM. Rico has extensive experience leading and managing advocacy projects and grants at the global, national and regional levels that engage multiple actors and target audiences. He engages in complex strategic analysis and policy negotiations matters related to human rights, sustainable health financing and treatment and care needs of key populations in the global south.
With INPUD, Rico will be joining the Secretariat as a Senior Technical Advisor under the RCF project, where he will work on strategic analysis and positioning of INPUD, global advocacy and provide technical assistance to networks within the movement

Annie Madden – RCF Exceptional Opportunity Funding Project Lead
Annie Madden is a long-time drug user activist from Australia who has dedicated her professional career to promoting the health, rights and dignity of people who use drugs. Annie has recently completed her PhD on the topic of ‘Drug User Representation in High Level Drug Policy Settings’ through the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Prior to this, Annie was the CEO of the Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) from 2000 – 2016 and the EO of the NSW Users & AIDS Association (NUAA) from 1994 – 2000. She also works 2 days/week as the ED of Harm Reduction Australia (HRA) of which she is a founding member.
Annie previously worked with INPUD as a lead consultant on our peer-led research regarding COVID-19, drug decriminalisation and a WHO key populations qualitative study. She joins us 3 days/week as the RCF Exceptional Opportunity Funding Project Lead, where she will oversee grant projects which includes INPUD, ENPUD and SANPUD.