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Home » Community Blog » METZINERES: Environments of Shelter for Womxn who Use Drugs Surviving Violence (Video)

METZINERES: Environments of Shelter for Womxn who Use Drugs Surviving Violence (Video)

8 November, 2021

YouTube video

METZINERES is a peer-led organisation that organises communities of womxn who use drugs in Barcelona to provide safe environments for survivors of violence. They operate shelters to sleep in and wash clothes and safer spaces for consuming drugs, without the risk of infections and overdose deaths. They also offer psychosocial support for those who struggle with homelessness, mental health issues, and family problems, as well as putting on creative community activities, dance, yoga, cosmetics etc. to create a sense of community.

METZINERES is more than a service provider – they are a community, with more than 300 members. Half of them are homeless, 30% have been imprisoned before. In this video hear from members of the organisation and learn how they conduct this critically important and impressive work despite the environment of repressive drug policies and police repression.

This video was produced together with Rights Report Foundation ( Camera: Carmen Molina | @carmencapta |
Editing: István Gábor Takács