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New Board Chair and other appointments  

INPUD announces new chair for Board of Directors and other appointments

Anton Basenko becomes INPUD Board Chair.

INPUD would like to announce the appointment of its new Board Chair, Anton Basenko. Anton joins a strong Executive Committee with Louise Vincent as Vice Chair and Hassan Turaif as Treasurer. We look forward to the future stewardship of the Executive Board, Board, and Executive Director Judy Chang as we build on past achievements and lessons learned to take INPUD forward into the next phase of our development with our Strategic Plan 2021- 2024.

Anton Basenko as new Board Chair

Anton Basenko, representative of ENPUD (Eurasian Network of People who Use Drugs), is known globally as an activist of the community of people who use drugs and of OAT clients and people living with HIV. Since 2021 he has been the Programme Manager on Quality of Life in EATG (European AIDS Treatment Group). He started his work in HIV and TB-services, Harm Reduction, and advocacy in local and national NGOs in Ukraine in 2001.

From 2013- 2021 Anton worked for the International Alliance for Public Health, coordinating international and national projects on HIV, TB, viral hepatitis prevention and treatment among key populations as well as advising the Global Fund on Communities, Rights and Gender issues. He is also a Board member for Eurasian Key Populations Health Network (EKPHN) as well as a member of the Communities Delegation of the Global Fund Board and Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) of Ukraine.

Professor Louise Vincent continues as Vice Chair

Ms. Louise Vincent from the North American region continues in her role as Vice Chair of INPUD Board. Louise is the Executive Director of North Carolina Survivors Union and was part of the creation of The National Urban Survivors Union Leadership Team where she also sits on the board as the Executive Director. She is a qualitative research methodologist with a particular passion for narrative research. Additionally, she works as a research capacity development consultant for several universities.

Hasan Taraif continues in his role as Treasure

Hassan Turaif continues in his role as Treasurer of the INPUD Board. He studied accounting at Beirut Arab University 1979. He is also a member of several other Boards of Directors and is the Coordinator Assistant for the Middle East and North Africa Network of People Who Use Drugs (MENANPUD) and serves on the National AIDS (RANAA) Committee for Bahrain. Hasan is active in several NGOs and is a facilitator of a network of people living with HIV in Bahrain.