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International Drug Users Day 2021

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1 November, 2021 Every year on International Drug Users Day, people who use drugs all over the world celebrate our history and affirm our rights. INPUD was formally launched on International Drug Users’ Day 2008 by drug user rights activists seeking to create an international platform where members of our community could confidently and proudly advocate for the health and… Read More »International Drug Users Day 2021

INPUD Members Update: March – April 2022

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11 May, 2022 INPUD’s bi-monthly members updates are intended to keep our members and supporters informed about INPUD’s recent activities, as well as updates from national/regional networks and relevant news in drug policy. The updates below cover the period from March through April 2022.

Engaging and Impacting the Universal Periodic Review: Guidance for People who Use Drugs

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25 May, 2022 Join INPUD on 25th May , 13:00 CEST – 14:30 CEST for a webinar on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a key human rights mechanism where the human rights record of States are reviewed in five year cycles by other States as well as through civil society contributions such as shadow reports. Recommendations from UPR rarely address… Read More »Engaging and Impacting the Universal Periodic Review: Guidance for People who Use Drugs

Understanding the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ and it’s relevance for people who use drugs

In December 2021 the World Health Assembly (WHA) held a Special Session, the second-ever since WHO’s founding, and agreed to develop a ‘WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic preparedness’ – the so-called ‘Pandemic Treaty’. The decision establishes an intergovernmental negotiating body (INB) to draft and negotiate the instrument. The INB held its first sessions in February and… Read More »Understanding the ‘Pandemic Treaty’ and it’s relevance for people who use drugs

Global Fund Complaints Mechanism: How can people who use drugs use it effectively?

29 April, 2022 As a part of the Global Fund’s CRG Strategic Initiative, INPUD organized a Peer Technical Support Hub in April 2022 on the topic of the Global Fund Complaints Mechanism and how it works for communities. The webinar familiarises networks and communities of people who use drugs with the concept of the GF Complaints Mechanism and Office of… Read More »Global Fund Complaints Mechanism: How can people who use drugs use it effectively?

Video: The Wall of Shame – Why Crack Consumptions Rooms are Needed in Paris

28 April, 2022 An estimated thirteen thousand people use crack cocaine in the wider Paris region. Recently the police, who have been harassing the community over the last three decades, even built a wall to block people who use crack from the rest of society. This wall – an ugly and very physical manifestation of the authorities’ attempts to separate… Read More »Video: The Wall of Shame – Why Crack Consumptions Rooms are Needed in Paris

Joint Statement by INPUD, HRI and NSWP for INB Public Hearing

12 – 13 April, 2022 The following joint statement was written by INPUD, Harm Reduction International and Global Network of Sex Work Projects for submission to the public hearings on an international instruments on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (INB) held by the WHO held on 11-12 April, 2022.

‘We are the Evidence’ – Community-led Responses on Decriminalisation, COVID-19 and Harm Reduction

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13 April, 2021 ‘We Are the Evidence’: Community-Led Responses on Decriminalisation, Harm Reduction and COVID-19 is a discussion on why and how people who use drugs should be at the centre of advancing policy towards decriminalisation of drugs. INPUD, along with HIV Legal Network, UNAIDS and the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, presented this virtual side event at… Read More »‘We are the Evidence’ – Community-led Responses on Decriminalisation, COVID-19 and Harm Reduction

Why Should We Engage in the 2021 UN High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS? (Video)

24 May, 2021 The United Nations General Assembly 2021 High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS (HLM) will take place from 8-10 June 2021. This kind of meeting only occurs once every five years and is a critical opportunity for people who use drugs to push for policies we have been advocating for in global spaces over decades, and for key population networks… Read More »Why Should We Engage in the 2021 UN High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS? (Video)

The Right to Rights: How do we get there for People who Use Drugs

8 June, 2021 The right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health of people who use drugs is interdependent and indivisible from a range of rights, including the right to non-discrimination and self-determination, the right to be free from arbitrary detention, violence and bodily integrity and autonomy, amongst others. This side event, conducted during the 2021 United… Read More »The Right to Rights: How do we get there for People who Use Drugs