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Global Fund Grant-Making for People Who Use Drugs

This report unpacking the Global Fund (GF) grant-making process is essential reading for all drug user-led communities. Learn about the various stages and how our networks can participate to ensure that our community’s critical needs and priorities are addressed and included in each final grant agreement.  There is a great deal of work to be fully involved in grant-making, from… Read More »Global Fund Grant-Making for People Who Use Drugs

Partnership Guide for Drug User-Led Networks: The Good, Bad and Ugly

This Guide has been written to provide drug user-led networks with invaluable advice for building the sorts of partnerships that will advance our movement and make us stronger. It draws from the experience of our regional networks for making an effective audit of partnerships we have already forged and assessing new partnerships as they develop. As other key populations have… Read More »Partnership Guide for Drug User-Led Networks: The Good, Bad and Ugly

How to Enjoy a Conference – a Harm Reduction Guide

The AWID International Forum is both a global community event and a space of radical personal transformation. A one-of-a-kind convening, the Forum brings together feminist, women’s rights, gender justice, LBTQI+ and allied movements, in all our diversity and humanity, to connect, heal and thrive. PURPOSE OF HARM REDUCTION GUIDE The purpose of the guide is to create a brief and practical harm reduction resource… Read More »How to Enjoy a Conference – a Harm Reduction Guide

Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Engagement and why it is important for People who Use Drugs – a technical brief.

January 2024 The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places more emphasis on community engagement and puts people and communities at the centre, and this principle should be embedded in one of its key instruments – a Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and to be applied throughout Grant Cycle 7.   One of the key principles of the CCM is to engage key populations in… Read More »Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Engagement and why it is important for People who Use Drugs – a technical brief.

Communities at the Centre: A report back on the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

28th September 2023 The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places community leadership at its front and centre. Under Grant Cycle 7 (GC7), the Global Fund introduced changes to promote community leadership and engagement, harm reduction and human rights, and to support the scale-up and sustainability of community-led services. In 2022-23, the Global Fund’s Community Engagement Strategic Initiative (CE-SI) funded the  Global… Read More »Communities at the Centre: A report back on the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

Global Funds Complaints Mechanism

How can people who use drugs use it effectively? The Global Funds Complaints Mechanism is a tool that people who use drugs can utilise when reporting issues of corruption, fraud, human rights violations, mismanagement, and misuse of Global Fund funding to ensure that they are investigated and resolved. The Global Fund is the largest donor for harm reduction in low-and… Read More »Global Funds Complaints Mechanism

Call for Submissions: INWUD Blog Project

Deadline: 30th November, 2022Send submissions to: [email protected] The International Network of Women who Use Drugs (INWUD) is excited to launch a blog project centred around the concept of Narcofeminism – a narrative-reforming movement that brings together women who use drugs in all their diversity to challenge outdated, stigmatising and patriarchal narratives about our bodies, our choices, our rights and our… Read More »Call for Submissions: INWUD Blog Project

INPUD Members Update: July – August 2022

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5th September, 2022 INPUD’s bi-monthly members updates are intended to keep our members and supporters informed about INPUD’s recent activities, as well as updates from national/regional networks and relevant news in drug policy. The updates below cover the period from July through August 2022.

People who Use Drugs at AIDS2022

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The International AIDS Conference 2022 (AIDS2022) took place in Montreal, Canada between 29th July and 2nd August. Despite discrimination in the visa application process which rendered many community members from the Global South unable to attend the conference, INPUD nevertheless had a strong presence at the conference. This page contains content from INPUD members and the community of people who… Read More »People who Use Drugs at AIDS2022