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‘We are the Evidence’ – Community-led Responses on Decriminalisation, COVID-19 and Harm Reduction

  • Events

13 April, 2021 ‘We Are the Evidence’: Community-Led Responses on Decriminalisation, Harm Reduction and COVID-19 is a discussion on why and how people who use drugs should be at the centre of advancing policy towards decriminalisation of drugs. INPUD, along with HIV Legal Network, UNAIDS and the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, presented this virtual side event at… Read More »‘We are the Evidence’ – Community-led Responses on Decriminalisation, COVID-19 and Harm Reduction

The Right to Rights: How do we get there for People who Use Drugs

8 June, 2021 The right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health of people who use drugs is interdependent and indivisible from a range of rights, including the right to non-discrimination and self-determination, the right to be free from arbitrary detention, violence and bodily integrity and autonomy, amongst others. This side event, conducted during the 2021 United… Read More »The Right to Rights: How do we get there for People who Use Drugs

Drug Decriminalisation: Progress or Political Red Herring? (Video)

15 July, 2021 As more countries move towards decriminalizing drug use and drug possession, it is crucial to listen and center the perspectives people who use drugs have on these policies. Without taking into consideration whether the needs of the people most impacted by criminalisation are being addressed, it is impossible to claim decriminalisation is as politically transformative as many… Read More »Drug Decriminalisation: Progress or Political Red Herring? (Video)

Is Decriminalisation Enough? Drug User Community Voices from Portugal

28 September 2018 This is the first community-driven evaluation of the outcomes of Portugal’s decriminalisation of people who use drugs. Introduced in 2000, Portugal’s model of decriminalisation has been hugely influential and is frequently referred to as an example of legislative reform that has improved public health, social order, and the health and wellbeing of people who use drugs. However,… Read More »Is Decriminalisation Enough? Drug User Community Voices from Portugal

The Harms of Drug Use: Criminalisation, Misinformation, and Stigma

2014 Globally, criminalisation of and punitive approaches to drug use continue to be implemented, in spite of there being little evidence to suggest that these policies have yielded positive results. The spread of blood-borne infections like hepatitis and HIV has been driven by the sharing of needles due to legal barriers in obtaining or even just possessing sterile injecting equipment.… Read More »The Harms of Drug Use: Criminalisation, Misinformation, and Stigma

INPUD Intervention at the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs

17 March, 2022 The following statement was delivered virtually by Jake Agliata on behalf of INPUD at the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs, under agenda item 7: ‘Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem‘. Excellencies and distinguished colleagues, I am making this intervention today on behalf of the International Network of People who… Read More »INPUD Intervention at the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Drug Decriminalisation: Progress or Political Red Herring?

12 April, 2021 Pусский | Español | Français Over the past decade there have been increasing claims that the world is moving towards a critical turning point in international drug policy, based on a growing recognition that governments must consider alternative approaches to drug policy which include decriminalisation. While this shift has been hailed as a sign of progress by many, INPUD believes there… Read More »Drug Decriminalisation: Progress or Political Red Herring?