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‘We are the Evidence’ – Community-led Responses on Decriminalisation, COVID-19 and Harm Reduction

INPUD, along with HIV Legal Network, UNAIDS and the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, are excited to be hosting a virtual side event at the 64th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on Monday, 12 April 2021 at 14:00 CEST.  ‘We Are the Evidence’: Community-Led Responses on Decriminalisation, Harm Reduction and COVID-19 will be a discussion on… Read More »‘We are the Evidence’ – Community-led Responses on Decriminalisation, COVID-19 and Harm Reduction

From Invisibility to Influence: The evolution of participation of people who use drugs in the Global Fund

Participating in the Global Fund national processes is an important step towards achieving and directing funding towards more rights-based policies and programmes that meet the needs of people who use drugs. While in some regions and countries huge progress has been made, in others, drug user-led… Read More »From Invisibility to Influence: The evolution of participation of people who use drugs in the Global Fund