For World Aids Day 2022, INPUD created the Equalize – Decriminalise drug use and possession campaigns that amplified the voice, issues, priorities, and perspectives of people who use drugs in the world’s response to HIV. Our Executive Director, Judy Chang presented at the UNODC Equalize World Aids Day 2022 event on the community perspective: Barriers to service access for women who use drugs as part of a conversation on Addressing barriers to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment among women who use drugs and women in prison. Her focus was on the need to increase funding for women and drug user led organisations to eradicate societal barriers to improve impact of response to HIV.
The publication of the INPUD statement on Conceptual Zero Draft of PPR Instrument is our way to increase INPUD’s visibility by ensuring that INPUD’s publications and other information are available to members and external audiences. This statement is a response to the proposed new instrument from INPUD on behalf of people who use drugs globally and is informed by recent community-led research on PPPR among our networks and communities, as well as research conducted by INPUD during the Covid-19 pandemic.
As part of our improved effective engagement and high-level advocacy to influence development and implementation of global policies and guidelines on 15-17 November, Judy Chang, our ED attended the Developed Country NGO Delegation to the Global Fund Board, for the first time as a member of the delegation.