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Rita from WRADA steps up: Read the intervention here

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Intervention presented on behalf of People who Use Drugs in Kenya by WRADA ‘s Rita Gatonye in February 2025 in Geneva at the UN Human Rights Spaces. People who use drugs in Kenya experience a range of issues that limit their access to health services and enjoyment of human rights as guaranteed by international human rights standards and the Constitution of Kenya… Read More »Rita from WRADA steps up: Read the intervention here

Human Rights & Harm Reduction Heroes speak up for Kenyans who use drugs: The Amazing Three take the lead in Geneva this week

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INPUD, AfricaNPUD and WRADA were represented by some of our amazing community leaders in Geneva this week to speak up for people who use drugs. Aditia Taslim, Ahmed Said and Rita Gatonye  (respectively) cut the charismatic swathe our community is known for as “The Amazing Three”, as they presented our issues at a scheduled session of Member States and in… Read More »Human Rights & Harm Reduction Heroes speak up for Kenyans who use drugs: The Amazing Three take the lead in Geneva this week

Hanging by a Thread: Towards a Pandemic Agreement

April 2024 This strong document is INPUD’s most recent submission to the WHO-constituted Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, responsible for producing a Pandemic Agreement by May 2024. It presents the key issues for communities of people who use drugs for pandemic prevention, preparedness  and response. INPUD’s critical response to the recent Revised Draft of the Agreement calls for “hard, actionable long-term commitment… Read More »Hanging by a Thread: Towards a Pandemic Agreement

Communities at the Centre: A report back on the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

28th September 2023 The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places community leadership at its front and centre. Under Grant Cycle 7 (GC7), the Global Fund introduced changes to promote community leadership and engagement, harm reduction and human rights, and to support the scale-up and sustainability of community-led services. In 2022-23, the Global Fund’s Community Engagement Strategic Initiative (CE-SI) funded the  Global… Read More »Communities at the Centre: A report back on the Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 (Windows 1 and 2)

Global Fund Technical Support hub- Grant Cycle 7 lessons learnt.

On Thursday 27 April, members from INPUD got together to learn more about the process, progress, and lessons learnt on the current Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 and to share knowledge with the countries applying in Window 2,3 and onwards. The speakers were from Indonesia, Nigeria, Ukraine and Zimbabwe. What is the Global Fund Funding Cycle 7? The new funding cycle of… Read More »Global Fund Technical Support hub- Grant Cycle 7 lessons learnt.

My case story: Rita Nyambura

Born in 1999 in Dagoretti, Nairobi Kenya, I was abandoned and left under the care of MY grandmother who unlike majority of grandparents who love care and treasure their grandchildren, MY case was different since I was mistreated and malnourished by my maternal grandmother. My name is Rita Nyambura and this is my Recovery story. In 2012 at the age… Read More »My case story: Rita Nyambura

Magic green medicine

Hi there! My name is Marina, I am here to tell you the history of how Cannabis changed the course of my life. I grew up in a rural and remote area called Colonia Aurora, which has a very small population. We had a pharmacy at home and very early in my life my father taught me that the medicine… Read More »Magic green medicine

My name is Natalie Jacobs, and this is my experience as a substance user.

This will tell you where I was and where I am now. I started using crystal methamphetamine, also known as known “TIK,” when I was 27 years old. I had recently lost my mother, who meant the world to me and was my everything. My mother’s death seemed like the center of my universe had been taken from my heart… Read More »My name is Natalie Jacobs, and this is my experience as a substance user.