On Thursday 27 April, members from INPUD got together to learn more about the process, progress, and lessons learnt on the current Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 and to share knowledge with the countries applying in Window 2,3 and onwards. The speakers were from Indonesia, Nigeria, Ukraine and Zimbabwe.
What is the Global Fund Funding Cycle 7?
The new funding cycle of the Global Fund (2023-2025), referred to as the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7), works in a 3-year cycle that corresponds directly with the GF replenishment cycle. With Global Fund being the largest donor of harm reduction programmes in low and middle-income countries, GC7 presents an opportunity for countries to access critical funding for people who use drugs, as well as advocate for structural changes, including decrimalisation, removal of punitive laws and policies, and reducing human rights-related barriers to care and services.
Why is it important for people who use drugs?
Grant Cycle 7 introduced important changes that promote community leadership and engagement, harm reduction and human rights, and support the scale up and sustainability of community-led services. The Global Fund explicitly recommends that countries’ funding proposals support achievement of the 2021-2026 Global AIDS Strategy, including 10-10-10 and 30-60-80 targets, expressing the percent of services that should be delivered by community-led organisations. See Briefing Note: Global Aids Strategy for details on these.
To accelerate change towards meeting these targets, the Global Fund now recognises harm reduction and human rights as ‘programme essentials’. This means that all country proposals will need to provide an update on achieving them and to identify critical gaps.
What is new in Grant Cycle 7?
- New emphasis on community engagement,
- Focus on community led responses,
- Strong support for harm reduction and human rights programming,
- Programmes for people who use drugs, not only who inject drugs, treatment for hep B and C, CLM and
- WHO recommendations on the exclusion of rehabilitation facilities from funding request proposals.
To learn more about these new focus areas, please read the Grant Cycle 7 Technical Guide.
The Grant Cycle 7 Technical Guide is also available in:
- French: Le Cycle 7 de subventions du Fonds mondial
- Spanish: Ciclo de subvención 7 del Fondo Mundial
- Russian: Седьмой грантовый цикл Глобального фонда
Presentations from the speakers at the lessons learnt webinar.
Thank you to our speakers for their informative presentations.
- Robyn Montgomery – Consultant, INPUD – INPUD Technical Support: Overview and Process
- Belinda Belle, Gender Focal Point, PKNI – Indonesia Experience and lessons learnt: Window 1
- Aniedi Akpan, Chairperson, DHRAN – Nigeria Experience and lessons learnt: Window 1
- Oleg Dymaretsky, Executive Director, VOLNA – Ukraine Experience and lessons learnt: Window 2
- Wilson Box, Executive Director, ZCLDN – Zimbabwe Experience and lessons learnt: Window 2

INPUD members at the webinar.