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Standing Together on U.S. Cuts 

To our community of people who use drugs, The recent decision by the U.S. administration to terminate USAID programmes threatens devastating consequences for people who use drugs and other marginalised communities worldwide.   It will only be through our stalwart resilience and the beating pulse of community that we will move forward despite the bleak outlook. Because we refuse to be cast… Read More »Standing Together on U.S. Cuts 

Global Fund Grant-Making for People Who Use Drugs

This report unpacking the Global Fund (GF) grant-making process is essential reading for all drug user-led communities. Learn about the various stages and how our networks can participate to ensure that our community’s critical needs and priorities are addressed and included in each final grant agreement.  There is a great deal of work to be fully involved in grant-making, from… Read More »Global Fund Grant-Making for People Who Use Drugs

Global Fund Grant Revision Process

Technical advice released to amplify the voices of drug users in Global Fund’s mid-cycle grant revision On the heels of INPUD’s June 2024 well-attended webinar of the same name, Amplifying the voices of the community in the Global Fund grant revision process advises drug user-led networks on the practice of renegotiating (or reprogramming) country-based, signed-off grants mid-cycle.  Designed as a pathway to… Read More »Global Fund Grant Revision Process

Partnership Guide for Drug User-Led Networks: The Good, Bad and Ugly

This Guide has been written to provide drug user-led networks with invaluable advice for building the sorts of partnerships that will advance our movement and make us stronger. It draws from the experience of our regional networks for making an effective audit of partnerships we have already forged and assessing new partnerships as they develop. As other key populations have… Read More »Partnership Guide for Drug User-Led Networks: The Good, Bad and Ugly

Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Engagement and why it is important for People who Use Drugs – a technical brief.

January 2024 The Global Fund Strategy 2023-2028 places more emphasis on community engagement and puts people and communities at the centre, and this principle should be embedded in one of its key instruments – a Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) and to be applied throughout Grant Cycle 7.   One of the key principles of the CCM is to engage key populations in… Read More »Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Engagement and why it is important for People who Use Drugs – a technical brief.

Harm Reduction Best and Worst Practices

July 2023 In 2016, INPUD commissioned a project that used in-depth, qualitative interviews with twenty peer drug user activists and harm reduction specialists from a range of different countries to develop a comprehensive set of seventeen key harm reduction interventions based on ‘best and worst practices’ in these areas. The result was a “Harm Reduction Best Practices Tool Kit”, intended… Read More »Harm Reduction Best and Worst Practices

People who Use Drugs at AIDS2022

  • News

The International AIDS Conference 2022 (AIDS2022) took place in Montreal, Canada between 29th July and 2nd August. Despite discrimination in the visa application process which rendered many community members from the Global South unable to attend the conference, INPUD nevertheless had a strong presence at the conference. This page contains content from INPUD members and the community of people who… Read More »People who Use Drugs at AIDS2022

INPUD Sessions at AIDS 2022

  • Events

21st July, 2022 This page contains all sessions at the AIDS 2022 conference which are either organised/co-organised by INPUD, or feature speakers from the community of people who use drugs. All times listed are local Montreal time. The full AIDS 2022 programme can be viewed at: Friday, 29 July 2022 Accelerating the implementation of the Global AIDS Strategy through… Read More »INPUD Sessions at AIDS 2022

Global Fund Catalytic Investments are Central to ‘Putting People and Communities at the Centre’

12 May, 2022 The following position papers – one prepared jointly with Harm Reduction International and Eurasian Harm Reduction Association, the other prepared just by INPUD – were shared jointly with the Global Fund Board in advance of their meeting on 12 – 13 May, 2022. The focus of the meeting was on the 2023-2025 allocating methodology and prioritisation of… Read More »Global Fund Catalytic Investments are Central to ‘Putting People and Communities at the Centre’