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people who use drugs

Don’t Panic! We’re All Just Looking for Something to Fill the Void.

I am a drug user. An illicit drug user. Admitting it takes courage, even to myself. You see, I live in a predominantly Catholic country, a very conservative one at that. To openly talk about my drug use is an act of great personal bravery. If given a choice, I would rather keep it to myself to prevent judgement from… Read More »Don’t Panic! We’re All Just Looking for Something to Fill the Void.

Community perspective on access to harm reduction 

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At the Lisbon Addiction Conference, Judy Chang was part of the Hepatitis C prevention and treatment among people who inject drugs: Global progress and future requirements discussion. She focused on Community perspective on access to harm reduction.   A comprehensive design of harm reduction services should ensure that people who use drugs can do so safely with their human rights… Read More »Community perspective on access to harm reduction 

Taking Back What’s Ours! A documented history of the movement of people who use drugs

21 September 2020 From July through September 2020, as part of HIV2020 Online, INPUD and Rights Reporter Foundation released an original ten-part film series – Taking Back What’s Ours! An oral history of the movement of people who use drugs – featuring the stories, histories and reflections of drug user advocates around the world. Taking Back What’s Ours! A documented history of the movement of people who… Read More »Taking Back What’s Ours! A documented history of the movement of people who use drugs