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Women who use drugs

Don’t Panic! We’re All Just Looking for Something to Fill the Void.

I am a drug user. An illicit drug user. Admitting it takes courage, even to myself. You see, I live in a predominantly Catholic country, a very conservative one at that. To openly talk about my drug use is an act of great personal bravery. If given a choice, I would rather keep it to myself to prevent judgement from… Read More »Don’t Panic! We’re All Just Looking for Something to Fill the Void.

How to incorporate gender perspective in drug policy in Europe

At the Lisbon Addictions 2022 Conference Judy Chang was part of a discussion about the creation of a comprehensive gender strategy in drug policy in Europe. The discussion on gender perspective in drug policy included a policy maker, with Judy providing a user perspective, a practitioner, and a scientist.   The future for gender equity in drug policies lies in gender… Read More »How to incorporate gender perspective in drug policy in Europe

METZINERES: Environments of Shelter for Womxn who Use Drugs Surviving Violence (Video)

8 November, 2021 METZINERES is a peer-led organisation that organises communities of womxn who use drugs in Barcelona to provide safe environments for survivors of violence. They operate shelters to sleep in and wash clothes and safer spaces for consuming drugs, without the risk of infections and overdose deaths. They also offer psychosocial support for those who struggle with homelessness,… Read More »METZINERES: Environments of Shelter for Womxn who Use Drugs Surviving Violence (Video)

Drug User Peace Initiative

January 2015 The so-called ‘war on drugs’ has, with its attendant prohibition of drugs and criminalisation of people who use drugs, driven and exacerbated the risks, harms, and costs that are associated with drug use. In reality, the war on drugs is a war on people who use drugs; it is a war on our health and a war on… Read More »Drug User Peace Initiative

Video: The Narcofeminism Storyshare Model

21 March, 2022 In this powerful new video with Drugreporter and the North Carolina Urban Survivors Union, womxn who use drugs share stories about pregnancy, parenting & drug use. The story share model is an important tool for deconstructing the internalized narratives around the drug war.  Traditional story share models often reinforce tropes and stigma we find in existing cultural… Read More »Video: The Narcofeminism Storyshare Model