This year INPUD was on the Steering Committee and the Community Committee of the INHSU Conference held in Glasgow from 19-21 October 2022. We delivered multiple presentations on various panels to champion the community perspective of people who use drugs in the design and implementation of initiatives relating to access to hepatitis treatment. Aditia Taslim, INPUD’s Advocacy Officer presented on our advocacy work during the INHSU Community Day.
Judy Chang, the INPUD Executive Director and Gayane Arustamyan, the INPUD Programme Manager, attended the Lisbon Addictions conference. Judy Chang did a few presentations, including How to incorporate gender perspective in drug policy in Europe, Community perspective on access to harm reduction.
In November INPUD participated in a webinar run by WHO Global PrEP Network (GPN). Annie Madden presented some of the findings from the Values & Preferences Study that was commissioned by WHO.