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Out in the cold: Community-led services abandoned as donor funding declines in Kyrgyzstan

22 OCTOBER, 2020 Смотрите здесь для русского. In January of 2019 Kyrgyzstan, already facing declining donor funding for the HIV response, had the services of their three community-led, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) put to an end due to the cease of funding from the country’s Global Fund (GF) programme. This sudden change left the community of the most marginalised people who inject drugs and people… Read More »Out in the cold: Community-led services abandoned as donor funding declines in Kyrgyzstan

Taking Back What’s Ours! A documented history of the movement of people who use drugs

21 September 2020 From July through September 2020, as part of HIV2020 Online, INPUD and Rights Reporter Foundation released an original ten-part film series – Taking Back What’s Ours! An oral history of the movement of people who use drugs – featuring the stories, histories and reflections of drug user advocates around the world. Taking Back What’s Ours! A documented history of the movement of people who… Read More »Taking Back What’s Ours! A documented history of the movement of people who use drugs

Global Fund Strategy Development Consultation

29 AUGUST 2020 For the full guidance document, please click here.  INPUD welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the development of the next Global Fund Strategy which will take the Global Fund beyond 2023, aligned with the deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 3, by 2030. As the Global Fund looks at its future role and priorities,… Read More »Global Fund Strategy Development Consultation

International Drug Users Remembrance Day 2020

July 21, 2020 On International Drug Users’ Remembrance Day, we take time to remember the family, friends, peers, and loved ones whose lives have been unjustly and tragically cut short. The criminalisation and stigmatisation of people who use drugs continue to desensitise our society to the callous injustice carried out in the name of the so-called War on Drugs. In… Read More »International Drug Users Remembrance Day 2020

Taking Back What’s Ours! An oral history of the movement of people who use drugs

6 July, 2020 Read the accompanying research project – Taking Back What’s Ours! A documented history of the movement of people who use drugs The global movement of people who use drugs has achieved exponential growth over the last four decades. Throughout the world drug user led advocacy has become a global phenomenon pushing to protect and defend the health and… Read More »Taking Back What’s Ours! An oral history of the movement of people who use drugs

Joint submission to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention by INPUD, Recovering Nepal and the Indian Drug Users Forum

15 JUNE 2020 The International Network of people who Use Drugs (INPUD), Recovering Nepal (RN), and the Indian Drug Users Forum (IDUF) were pleased to hear the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention is compiling a study on Arbitrary Detention related to drug policies. In response to their call for stakeholder submissions, we have decided to bring renewed attention to the violations of… Read More »Joint submission to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention by INPUD, Recovering Nepal and the Indian Drug Users Forum

In the time of COVID-19: Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and People who use Drugs

APRIL 7, 2020 This statement, endorsed by over 300 organisations and individuals, was developed by INPUD in collaboration with the International Drug Policy Consortium and Harm Reduction International. Translations in Spanish, French and Russian, are available for download below. Pусский | Español | Français We, as community and civil society organisations working in drug policy reform and harm reduction, urge the international community to take proactive and coordinated action to protect… Read More »In the time of COVID-19: Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and People who use Drugs

Joint letter to the Special Rapporteur on the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health on protecting and promoting the health of people who use drugs during COVID-19

MARCH 31, 2020 In collaboration with Harm Reduction International (HRI), the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA), the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), LBH Masyarakat, Release, and Rights Reporter Foundation, we have developed this letter to the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health to provide guidance to states on how to promote and protect the right… Read More »Joint letter to the Special Rapporteur on the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health on protecting and promoting the health of people who use drugs during COVID-19

Suggerimenti per la Riduzione del Danno per #COVID19

MARCH 20, 2020 Ultimi consigli per chi usa eroina/oppiacei – coronavirus COVID-19(aggiornato il 7/20 Marzo) 1) assicurati di avere quanti più numeri di telefono possibili per gli spacciatori attivi  2) preparati a possibili astinenze involontarie – fai scorta di medicinali specifici per i sintomi da astinenza ed eventuali farmaci a base di oppioidi che puoi ottenere​3) Sii consapevole del maggior… Read More »Suggerimenti per la Riduzione del Danno per #COVID19

On the A-Gender: Community Monitoring Tool for Gender-Responsive Harm Reduction Services for Women who Use Drugs

MARCH 17, 2020 Worldwide, women who use drugs are vastly underserved within health and social services and programmes. National and international research, services, guidelines, and training programmes are either gender-neutral or male-focused. As harm reduction services are primarily tailored to men, women who use drugs often find their specific needs being unacknowledged and unaddressed, leading to non gender-responsive harm reduction… Read More »On the A-Gender: Community Monitoring Tool for Gender-Responsive Harm Reduction Services for Women who Use Drugs