21 March 2025: Intervention to the Plenary session of the 68th CND under Agenda Item 5
20 March 2025: Statement by INPUD and regional networks: Sustaining the HIV Response – Safeguarding the Human Rights of People Who Use Drugs
3 March 2025: Standing Together on the U.S. Cuts
4 November 2024: Letter to the Minister of Public Health in Lebanon Regarding Safeguards for OAT Access
10 July 2024: JIAS Article on Involvement of Communities in Programme Science
17 March 2024: Open Letter to UK Foreign Secretary Calling for Immediate and Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza
1 November 2023: International Drug User’s Day 2023
6 July 2022: 100 Community and Human Rights Groups Urge UN Action to Halt Imminent Executions in Singapore
21-24 June 2022: INPUD Intervention at the 50th UNAIDS PCB Meeting – Addressing the Methadone Crisis in Ukraine & UBRAF
12 May 2022: Global Fund Catalytic Investments are Central to ‘Putting People and Communities at the Centre’
19 April 2022: Joint Statement by INPUD, HRI and NSWP for INB Public Hearing
17 March 2022: INPUD Intervention at the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs
17 March 2022: The impact of inequalities on HIV and viral hepatitis prevention, treatment, care and support among people who use drugs
14 March 2022: Side event at the 65th CND – Ending Inequalities for People who Use Drugs: How the Global HIV Response can Transform Drug Policy
3 March 2022: Global Call for Solidarity with People who Use Drugs in Ukraine
25 February 2022: Joint Response by Key Population Networks to OHCHR: Human Rights in the Context of HIV and AIDS (HRC Resolution 47/17)
15 February 2022: Joint Statement Urging Singapore to Halt the Impending Executions of Two People for Drug Offences
4 February 2022: Information Note for PEPFAR COP22
8 December 2021: Intervention delivered by INPUD at the 49th UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board
1 December 2021: Joint Letter to the Global Fund Equity, Human Rights and Gender Equality Consultation
1 November 2021: International Drug Users Day 2021 Statement by INPUD
6 October 2021: Intervention delivered by INPUD at the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Special Session
30 September 2021: Submission of feedback from INPUD to the Draft Overview of PEPFAR Strategy: Vision 2025
10 September 2021: Key Recommendations for the Draft Global Fund Strategy Narrative
September 2021: Joint Statement by INPUD and HRI on Global Fund Strategy Narrative
25 March 2021: Joint Letter to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Key Populations and HIV
1 February 2021: Three Building Blocks to a new Global Fund Strategy
21 January 2021: Joint Response to the UNAIDS Strategy Team on the Global AIDS Strategy 2021 – 2026
2 October 2020: Joint Civil Society Letter on 2021 UN Treaty Bodies reviews in the context of COVID-19
29 August 2020: Global Fund Strategy Development Consultation
21 July 2020: International Drug Users Remembrance Day Statement 2020
15 June 2020: INPUD joint submission with Indian Drug Users’ Forum and Recovering Nepal to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
7 April 2020: In the time of COVID-19: Civil Society Statement on COVID-19 and People who Use Drugs
31 March 2020: Joint letter to the Special Rapporteur on the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health on protecting and promoting the health of people who use drugs during COVID-19
20 March 2020: Suggerimenti per la Riduzione del Danno per #COVID19 (ItaNPUD)
3 February 2020: Joint statement from 100+ human rights groups urging the UN to take action to prevent two drug-related executions in Bahrain
17 October 2019: Joint Statement from INPUD, Harm Reduction International, Eurasian Harm Reduction Association and International HIV/AIDS Alliance
31 August 2019: Joint Statement from Drug User Networks on International Overdose Awareness Day
24 July 2019: Joint ANPUD and INPUD Statement on Raids on Offices of Anand Grover and Indira Jaising
6 June 2019: Response to the Zero Draft of the UHC Political Declaration
1 May 2019: INPUD submission to the OHCHR’s report on UNGASS implementation and human rights
15 April 2019: Dean Lewis – Remembering a Friend
1 November 2018: International Drug Users’ Day Statement 2018
31 August 2018: INPUD Statement – Overdose Awareness Day
1 June 2018: Open Letter re: exclusion of naloxone at AIDS2018
8 March 2018: Call for WHO & UNODC to revise guidelines on International Standards for the Treatment of Drug Use Disorders
12 November 2017: Declaration of the Hepatitis Community: NO ELIMINATION WITHOUT DECRIMINALIZATION!
21 July 2017: INPUD Statement on Drug Users’ Remembrance Day
17 May 2017: The Montréal Declaration on the Right of People Who Use Drugs to Be Protected From State Sanctioned Violence
1 March 2017: In Loving Memory of Raffi Balian
1 February 2017: Judy Chang Appointed as Executive Director of INPUD
10 October 2016: Global Week of Action: Crisis for People who Use Drugs in the Philippines
10 August 2016: INPUD Response to the UNODC Statement on the killings in the Philippines
21 July 2016: Drug Users Remembrance Day
18 July 2016: INPUD in Durban for AIDS2016
1 July 2016: An Entreaty to End the Killing, to End the Poverty and Exclusion: Halt to killings of People who Use Drugs in the Philippines
1 June 2016: INPUD is greatly saddened by the death of Anan Pun
15 May 2016: INPUD Supports Students for Sensible Drug Policy UK’s Harm Reduction Initiative
21 April 2016: UNGASS 2016 INPUD Statement
12 January 2016: INPUD Submission to The Civil Society Task Force to UNGASS on Drugs 2016
10 December 2015: International Human Rights Day: A call to end violence against women who use drugs
21 July 2015: International Drug Users’ Remembrance Day, 2015 Statement
30 May 2015: INPUD condemns the executions of eight people for drug-related offences in Indonesia
20 March 2015: INPUD condemns Russia’s denial of access to essential medicines in Crimea
1 March 2015: Letters from global groups express deep concerns about the Medicines Patent Pool’s entry into hepatitis C treatment
9 February 2015: INPUD Open Letter Demanding an Immediate Cessation of Ongoing Executions of People in Indonesia for Drug Offences
20 January 2015: INPUD response to Russell Brand’s documentary, Russell Brand: End the War on Drugs
10 January 2015: INPUD response to the Global Fund’s Board decision on financing hepatitis C treatment for coinfected people
27 November 2014: INPUD welcomes the Global Fund’s opposition to drug detention centres
18 November 2014: INPUD and other civil society organisations sign an open letter addressed to the global fund board pleading to hear their concerns
7 November 2014: Response to the UK Government Home Office Report Drugs: International Comparators
1 November 2014: International Drug Users’ Day 2014 – 1st November: ‘Community. Solidarity. Empowerment.’
9 September 2014: The International Network of People who Use Drugs’ (INPUD) response to The Global Commission on Drug Policy’s Taking Control: Pathways to Drug Policies That Work
8 September 2014: INPUD response to the WHO’s Consolidated Guidelines on HIV Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Care for Key Populations
25 July 2014: AIDS2014 Closing Session Speech delivered by Eliot Albers, Perspectives from the Community of People who Use Drugs
26 May 2014: Letter to IAS Governing Council regarding San Francisco being on the venue shortlist for IAC 2018
28 March 2014: INPUD Statement at WHO Global Hepatitis Partners Meeting, Geneva
25 March 2014: Letter to Special Rapporteurs on Crimea Situation
17 March 2014: INPUD-ENPUD Statement on Crimea: Health and human rights crisis looming for people who use drugs in the Crimea
12 March 2014: INPUD Statement to Civil Society Hearing at CND High Level Segment