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Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism Evolution (CCM)

12 April, 2022

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Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) play a crucial role within the Global Fund model and have a potential to be transformative in ending AIDS, TB, and malaria. However, too often Global Fund programmes implemented at the national level and overseen by CCMs do not perform as well as expected and do not meet the needs of key populations.

The main aim of the CCM Evolution project is to equip and strengthen the way CCMs work and operate – including its grant oversight and engagement functions with communities and key populations – in order to make CCMs fit for purpose, maximise their impact, and change a business-as-usual approach. The CCM Evolution builds on a pilot project which was rolled out in 18 countries in 2018. A year later, the Global Fund Board approved US$15 million to support the implementation of CCM Evolution in around 90 CCMs and Regional Coordinating Mechanisms (RCMs) between 2020-2022. Check if your CCM was involved in the pilot phase of the project here.

The CCM Evolution project presents an opportunity for people who use drugs to
effectively influence Global Fund programming by identifying gaps, blockages, and
bottlenecks to meaningful community participation often experienced within CCMs.
Through this process, you can document and propose solutions to strengthen CCMs
work so the voices of people who use drugs are listened to, heard, and respected, and
our health and rights needs are met.