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Global Fund Grant Revision Process

Technical advice released to amplify the voices of drug users in Global Fund’s mid-cycle grant revision

On the heels of INPUD’s June 2024 well-attended webinar of the same name, Amplifying the voices of the community in the Global Fund grant revision process advises drug user-led networks on the practice of renegotiating (or reprogramming) country-based, signed-off grants mid-cycle. 

Designed as a pathway to ensuring grants are of maximum relevance and value to the countries who receive them, this responsive approach presents the drug-user movement with an opportunity to bring greater transparency to GF processes while giving our community’s needs greater visibility. Now more than ever, our very survival depends on how effectively we can attract the focus of funders to our health and rights priorities and it is essential we are across every likely avenue for support. 

Global Fund (GF) has a particular focus on including community in its processes, and this process is no exception. INPUD’s technical advice unpacks the scope and conditions of community’s involvement in grants revision, from how to build the necessary relationships to win a seat at the table, through understanding and applying GF’s predefined triggers for review, to entering negotiations with an evidence-based case built by applying information gathered through Community Monitoring tools. 

Even if our community’s health and welfare were entirely overlooked in the original grant, this important document gives drug-user led networks the key to using GF’s mid-cycle grants revision to fund the services essential to our community’s survival.

The brief is now available in English, French, Spanish and Russian.